When recreational drugs are legal...

All very easy to say from your livingroom. Will never work.

Lets just sell a drug that will become physically addictive as a medical certainty? That sounds like a good idea? Really? Great Britain tried it....dismal failure.

Maybe decriminalizing simple possession...maybe...

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I like what Ron Paul has to say about this. "If heroin is legalized, are you going to do it? The answer is No. You already know it's a terrible drug with terrible consequences."

That's how liberty fights drug use.
One of the big issues with the illegality of drugs is that it drives the price up. This money is tempting for a lot of people...including our own government. Many times in the past, it's been caught red handed shipping it in. Recently, court cases in the US have arrested drug kingpins testifying that they are shipping the drugs in for the CIA. All around the world, intelligence organizations have their fingers in the pots of various narco-states and bleed off the profits to fund special projects. The end result looks like US Marines who are forced to guard poppy fields in Afghanistan.

A huge level of government corruption could be combated simply by making drugs legal and finding other solutions to help people who get addicted.

So making it legal will stop govt corruption? LOL
I like what Ron Paul has to say about this. "If heroin is legalized, are you going to do it? The answer is No. You already know it's a terrible drug with terrible consequences."

That's how liberty fights drug use.

That's great except there are already millions that do it and its illegal so how's he explain that one?
That's great except there are already millions that do it and its illegal so how's he explain that one?

They are going to do it any way or they will find a legal way to **** up there life. Dr. Paul is a medical doctor and addiction is a disease. Imagine if we treated other diseases by chopping off the infected parts? That's all law enforcement can ever do when it comes to addiction.
I'm a simpleton. I think "good guys" and "bad guys". Among both of those categories I know cops, lawyers, priests,karate guys, elected officials, some of my friends, kids, carpenters, teachers and my in-laws. I'm guessing most of the folks on this forum are good guys, and if they were all sitting together on a nice patio smoking cigars, would get along pretty damn well. Even while discussing this subject.

IMO, even among drug users and law makers, there's good guys and bad guys. I don't think too broad a brush can be used to give everyone a fair shake.

I going to have a glass of wine now. I hope I get trashed and giggle.
I can't help with that one Jenna, never started, thankfully. I saw too many people in high school set back by drug use, and too many adults waste their lives using drugs and alcohol, legal or not. What are your thoughts?
It seems from the link Makalakumu posted that we are all searching out ways to alter our brains? I am not.. you are not.. other people on here are not.. Maybe it is cool to be all cool about substances?? It is how it is here in this part of town..

I think substances provide people with the delusion of happiness when they feel unable to acquire happiness without chemical intervention.. It is what happened to my dad.. that was alcohol though..

Can I ask Bill, in fraught or difficult times of your life why did you not do as many of your friends did and blaze up or whatever?

Thank you :)
One of the big issues with the illegality of drugs is that it drives the price up. This money is tempting for a lot of people...including our own government. Many times in the past, it's been caught red handed shipping it in. Recently, court cases in the US have arrested drug kingpins testifying that they are shipping the drugs in for the CIA. All around the world, intelligence organizations have their fingers in the pots of various narco-states and bleed off the profits to fund special projects. The end result looks like US Marines who are forced to guard poppy fields in Afghanistan.

A huge level of government corruption could be combated simply by making drugs legal and finding other solutions to help people who get addicted.

Why do you continue to bother posting data and links with this crowd? Nobody reads them, addresses them, or posts anything in support of their positions... You'd have better luck debating with a brick wall.
The price goes down and the government has to stop arming the terrorists.

How's the price going to go down I thought the plan was to tax the crap out of it like they do beer and cigarettes. We will still need to pay the terrorist for the dope only now it will be legal payments and legitimise these terror groups.
So far in my time as a police officer I've seen 2 police officers get hooked on heroin loose their families jobs houses. One was a friend of mine we went to the police academy together. They both got hooked the same way. They got hurt on the job nothing too bad but they were given oxycontin for a few months. They both got hooked on the oxy. They started buying it on the street and then discovered heroin was cheaper then pills. I'm happy to report after 8 years of being hooked my friend is finally clean and getting his life back. The other officer last I hear she was a prostitute in Baltimore.
I've also met 2 lawyers and a doc they were hooked and no longer worked in their professions any longer. Both started with prescription drugs. I put a lot of blame on drug use going up on how easy it is to get a pain killer prescription from a doc. Seems every time I twist an ankle or cut myself on something they offer me a supply of some prescription.
So, then, would you say that Oxycontin is a gateway drug? If so, I'd agree. I've said repeatedly in this thread so far that the real danger to society are prescription drugs, whether we're talking about uppers, downers or opiate based pain meds.
Take marijuna as an example. If it were legal, the cost to grow it and transport it would be much lower because it would not have to be done in secrecy and the risk would be much lower. Even with taxes, the product would hit the market at a lower price because production cost would be much lower. As pointed out, the money spent on the drug would not be going to criminals if growers were licensed, much as alcohol manufacturers. Enforcement cost would shrink somewhat because we would not be prosecuting as many drug cases. Increased availability would bring some of its own problems though, especially if harder drugs were decriminialized. So a good junk of that extra money would...or should go to combat addiction.
So we ARE discussing legalizing all illicit drugs here? Not only marijuana?

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How's the price going to go down I thought the plan was to tax the crap out of it like they do beer and cigarettes. We will still need to pay the terrorist for the dope only now it will be legal payments and legitimise these terror groups.
That's not true. If you don't think that the tobacco companies have a plan, you're nuts. Cigarettes are falling far out of vogue. While there are still plenty of smokers, the number is dwindling. Legalizing weed would save many legit businesses. The result of legalizing weed would, I predict, go very much like the beer and wine trades. Some people will grow their own, there will be a local, craft industry such as for beer, and then the major tobacco companies will put out the equivalents of Bud, Coors and what have you.

Legalizing would legitimately and completely remove the criminal element just as it removed the organized crime, bootleggers and bathtub distillers from the alcohol industry in by repealing prohibition.
So we ARE discussing legalizing all illicit drugs here? Not only marijuana?

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I know that there are some people talking about other drugs, so I'm trying to clearly speak to weed. I don't know if I'm on board with legalizing EVERY drug, and I certainly don't think we should make drugs like cocaine, meth or heroin legal.
That's not true. If you don't think that the tobacco companies have a plan, you're nuts. Cigarettes are falling far out of vogue. While there are still plenty of smokers, the number is dwindling. Legalizing weed would save many legit businesses. The result of legalizing weed would, I predict, go very much like the beer and wine trades. Some people will grow their own, there will be a local, craft industry such as for beer, and then the major tobacco companies will put out the equivalents of Bud, Coors and what have you.

Legalizing would legitimately and completely remove the criminal element just as it removed the organized crime, bootleggers and bathtub distillers from the alcohol industry in by repealing prohibition.

The problem with weed as a recreational drug is the second hand high you can get even if you don't smoke it...I won't get drunk if you are drinking next to me. I won't loose my job if they continue to drug test and my roommate is an alcoholic but I'm not.

If my room mate lights up near me however...

A real problem being faced in legal weed states is the lack of DUI law involving it.

Issues that would need addressing.

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So, then, would you say that Oxycontin is a gateway drug? If so, I'd agree. I've said repeatedly in this thread so far that the real danger to society are prescription drugs, whether we're talking about uppers, downers or opiate based pain meds.

I agree 1000% oxycontin has hooked more people on heroin then any other drug out there. That's one prescription that needs to be pulled and banned its too addictive.
I also agree that prescriptions are a real danger. I blame doctor's that don't know how to tell people no you don't need meds for every boo boo its going to hurt suck it up.
That's not true. If you don't think that the tobacco companies have a plan, you're nuts. Cigarettes are falling far out of vogue. While there are still plenty of smokers, the number is dwindling. Legalizing weed would save many legit businesses. The result of legalizing weed would, I predict, go very much like the beer and wine trades. Some people will grow their own, there will be a local, craft industry such as for beer, and then the major tobacco companies will put out the equivalents of Bud, Coors and what have you.

Legalizing would legitimately and completely remove the criminal element just as it removed the organized crime, bootleggers and bathtub distillers from the alcohol industry in by repealing prohibition.

I wasn't talking about marijuana. I was talking about the ron Paul quote about heroin that was posted.
That's not true. If you don't think that the tobacco companies have a plan, you're nuts. Cigarettes are falling far out of vogue. While there are still plenty of smokers, the number is dwindling. Legalizing weed would save many legit businesses. The result of legalizing weed would, I predict, go very much like the beer and wine trades. Some people will grow their own, there will be a local, craft industry such as for beer, and then the major tobacco companies will put out the equivalents of Bud, Coors and what have you.

Legalizing would legitimately and completely remove the criminal element just as it removed the organized crime, bootleggers and bathtub distillers from the alcohol industry in by repealing prohibition.

Because smoking weed is better for your lungs than tobacco?

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Because smoking weed is better for your lungs than tobacco?

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They're both bad for you. Although there are other ways to ingest marijuana than smoking it. Vaporizer is becoming the preferred method.
They're both bad for you. Although there are other ways to ingest marijuana than smoking it. Vaporizer is becoming the preferred method.

You can also chew tobacco, but far and away its smoking that's the preferred method. Its always been the preferred method of pot consumption and id bet cash money that is how it will remain.

Not really an argument against legalization, but I don't buy the butterflies and sunshine version of a legal pot society either. There will be a cost.

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