when involved in a real fight do you block or just go heads up

Ultimately, you both take a different approach to dealing with an attacker. You each work in a way that suits you best. Neither of you has a better way in general, but each of you have a better for you.

Controling or shutting down the true weapon is the highest priority...thats the brain... the other weapon is equally important...thats the human body...

Snap on tools or labor saving devices are just that...harmless objects that without an able body and intent brain behind it are otherwise useless or in-animate....
Take out the brain or central nervous system behind the tool and poof... no tool.
Take out the body or physiological function behind the tool and poof... no tool.
It is more important for me to concentrate on the real weapon than otherwise harmless tool in between.

This has nothing to do with some theoretical bs that looks good on paper or a diagram... Please stop eluding to that or stating that this is what my posts or e-pinions consist of... I do my homework and apply it real life training...agree or disagree that does not make it an untruth....

Well, I think its safe to say that you are not alone when you mention using your skills in real life. All of my teachers have RL experiences to back up what they teach as well, and while I am not of the mindset that thinks, "Well, if my teacher did it, and his teacher did it, then it'll work for me too." I have faith in what they teach, in their training, and I make it work for me as well. I dont assume it'll work for me, I test it to make sure, and if an issue arises, I look at ways to fix it.

While I realize that when dealing with a knife, we're most likely going to be cut, I'm not going to be careless with what I do. If you want to run in and start swinging at the guy with the blade, thats fine, more power to you. I'm going to do what works for me, and its certainly not being careless.

I'm not eluding to anything, I'm just commenting on what I see YOU post. If you think I'm elduing to something, perhaps you should re-read what you are typing.
No... my goal is to overwhelm thier operating system with injuries.
No... I dont work to gain control of the "weapon arm"... I want the brain behind it or the physiological process behind it... If an injury affords me the "control" of thier tool or device then so be it... it normally ends up that way anyway...
If a man sticks a knife in my spine, the last thing I want to try is to control the "weapon arm"... If a man puts a gun in my face, the last thing I want to do is wrestle for control... too many factors that come into play here... size -strength-chemical additives etc..
a convict, fresh out of the pennitentiary is not going to approach you in a way that there is going to be some wrestling for control of the tool... thats a social reaction in my book. You are looking at the tool as the real threat rather than the brain and body behind it so rather than shut them off is becomes dancing with the stars for the tool... read the after action reports from numerous sources... big mistake.

Funny you should mention prison. My Arnis instructor is a Capt. in the Dept of Corrections. He's worked there for over 20yrs now, he's seen quite a bit, so his RL experiences have kept him alive, so yes, I think its safe to say that his methods have kept him alive, so he's obviously doing something right.

I view this along the same lines as grappling. Position before submission. If your position sucks, you can have a million subs, but they're going to suck too. Same thing here...nothing says that I can't punish the person with strikes while I'm controlling the weapon arm. Some of this is blanked out, but the idea is still there. I suppose you think that they have the wrong idea as well:

You fight violence with 3x the violence.... you dont try to duel and dance like some mating ritual.

And all this gum flapping about me like im some retard in the corner needs to stop. I type an e-pinion based on the info and content provided... that doesnt mean lets play "discredit the guy that we dont think makes sense".
Warriors do not meet up on the net to hash out differences. They take care of any discrepancies in the field. I am in Balboa Park/San Diego ca. every sunday @ 11am training "what works" and "what doesnt"...any man woman or child is welcome to come join and dispell any bs free of charge... we have a plethora of tools and devices on hand to accomplish that.
Articulation is accomplished by action in which I am more than willing and capable...


Dude, I'm not trying to discredit you and I never called you a retard. Like so many others that I've interacted with on here, you're getting bent because I, and a few others, are not agreeing with you. You're free to do whatever you want, I'm simply asking questions as to why you say and think what you do, and inquire about training, and yes, this is where all that comes into play. You're making these statements, and I'm curious as to what type of training you have, that leads to this line of thinking.

Don't read so much into it dude, its just a quesiton. Seems like you want people to just accept what you say, but it doesnt work that way. People question others all the time.
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=BLACK LION;1165613
And all this gum flapping about me like im some retard in the corner needs to stop. I type an e-pinion based on the info and content provided... that doesnt mean lets play "discredit the guy that we dont think makes sense".
Warriors do not meet up on the net to hash out differences. They take care of any discrepancies in the field. I am in Balboa Park/San Diego ca. every sunday @ 11am training "what works" and "what doesnt"...any man woman or child is welcome to come join and dispell any bs free of charge... we have a plethora of tools and devices on hand to accomplish that.
Articulation is accomplished by action in which I am more than willing and capable...


Dude, I've said what I'm about to say in a few other posts, but in an effort to save your rear from getting banned from this forum, I suggest you read this, specifically this part:

1.8 Threats, Racism, Sexism, and Challenges:

Messages that are openly hostile, defamatory, sexual, vulgar, or harassing, will not be tolerated, and may be in violation of the law. Threads or replies promoting or expressing intolerant views towards any group (race, religion, sexual preference, interracial couples, etc.) will not be tolerated.

No "physical challenge" posts are allowed. If there is a threat or physical challenge, real or perceived, issued, the person making said threat will be immediately banned from this board with no warning or recourse.

I'm posting this as a member, not a mod, because mods are not allowed to mod. threads that we're involved in. Just a member to member heads up, nothing more. :)
And all this gum flapping about me like im some retard in the corner needs to stop. I type an e-pinion based on the info and content provided... that doesnt mean lets play "discredit the guy that we dont think makes sense".
Warriors do not meet up on the net to hash out differences. They take care of any discrepancies in the field. I am in Balboa Park/San Diego ca. every sunday @ 11am training "what works" and "what doesnt"...any man woman or child is welcome to come join and dispell any bs free of charge... we have a plethora of tools and devices on hand to accomplish that.
Articulation is accomplished by action in which I am more than willing and capable...

You may wish to clarify if you mean a friendly, 'let's get together and train and it will be easier to simply show you what I mean' or an actual challenge.

If the former, then that is one thing. If the latter, MJS has arleady posted the forum rules regarding it.

If time and funding allowed for it, I would love to get together with a good number of people here to train with, as I expect that I could learn quite a bit from fellow MT-ers, yourself included.

The very fact that you are in San Diego makes me want to go out and meet you in person, as San Diego was climactically one of the very best places in the US in my opinion and my last visit there was exceedingly pleasant.:) In addition, I suspect that I would enjoy training with you.

But we need to keep any mention of physical articulation within the context of , 'come on by my gym and lets work out and train a bit so we can better see where we are each coming from.'


Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Please review our sniping policy http://www.martialtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=71377. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

-MT Moderator-
You really think I am "threatening" you. I get the feeling that folks would rather have a pissing contest than really try to understand where the other person is coming from. It gets to the point of insulting and un-professional...which is strange becuase there are so many "professionals" here. This is the only forum like this I post in becuase there seems to be a higher level of "professionalism" than most other places I have attended.
I have had mixed feeling lately due to the responses that have been given after my posts. I took a vacation from this site before but I kept getting invited back which no forum has ever done and I appreciated it. I am only here to contribute from my perspective. I respect everyone, even if the dont "makes sense" or we dont "agree"... I am not here to brow beat or badger or "challenge" people and I most certainly am not here to threaten anyone. I only want to contribute as I feel it is my duty to do so... Same reason why I offer free training becuase I feel it is my duty to do so. I did not offer that information to issue a challenge... that is the location of the free training in unconventional combatives thats offered. I dont expect anyone to show up especially if you dont live in san diego however I have seen a few members here that do.
I train there every weekend. I invited anyone to view or join the training.
I have been doing "free training" there for about three months. I offer my self as a preofessional and as a service to those who may need it or may want to just dispell any bullshido... there are guys with no experience and guys with plenty... It makes no difference, but if you want to model success in "actuality" then anyone is welcome.

I am very friendly but I can also be very direct but that should never be misconstrued as a threat. I dont threaten or harass people on the net or real life. If I feel like I am being talked at like an idiot then I may change my tone a bit but thats just a display of dislike in the approach.

Unfortunately for some if not most, reading isnt enough. So if it must be seen to be comprehended or understood... theres where its at. I am a family man with a wife a daughter and a dog, I have my convictions and consider myself to be a professional at my craft... but I am also always a student and always willing to learn and even un-learn. I offer the training so we can solidify "what works" in a critical situation... not some social intercourse. We dont show up to "spar" each other...we show up to use each other to model our own success and one anothers in an asocial situation. We are not ther to put the beat on people or establish some pecking order. That behavior or attitude is not welcome... We show up to learn to be better preofessionals so we can protect ourselves, our families and society.


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