You know, when I first started in the martial arts at SFA, I felt I would be happy just obtaining a green belt. Then it became a 'red' belt (like a brown belt.) Well later, much later, I made the dreaded '1st dan'.
Thing is, I felt no different than before when I was 1st Gup. No magic wand effect. No Bruce Lee ability came over me. Bummer it was I tell you.
I can say with honesty it took years for me. That dan rank didn't change me except in one way, and here is the way.....
I felt now I had to live up to it. And living up to it wasn't so easy.
It took alot of practice, pain, and time to do that! I mean alot. I'm still doing it now.
How long did it take you to finaly feel you were capable, really capable, as a 'black belt' is supposed to be?
This is difficult.
I could already fight before I began to train. Was I a trained fighter or person? No. Could I fight and win with my size and determination? Yes.
So it was not my skill set in fighting that determined when I thought I should be a Black Belt or felt like one.
I was helping Brown Belts prepare for their Black Belt test while I was a Blue Belt. (* Rank was not an issue for me, I was more concerned about learning techniques and how to apply them. *) This did not make me feel like I should test for black belt or was qualified either.
During my Black Belt test, I was performing a personal form, that I had been working for years. It was a stick form that switched hands with the weapon and did techniques left handed including stick throws and or locks, and when I was done GM Presas stood up and began clapping. He was smiling and very pleased with my presentation. (* I felt good, but I still did not take that show for me alone as proof of feeling like a black belt *)
I had been teaching from early ranks with new students. Of course a Black belt would come check, and correct if required. So, getting in front of class and teaching even when the class agenda was left 100% to me and not a Senior telling me to teach something, did not make me feel like a black belt.
When I was testing for second and others had need of help and I gave it. When I was their partner so they could show what they could on their day, even though I was going for two, it their day for Black Belt. So adjusting my body and or timing to help others did not make me feel like a black belt.
Even after I tested for second I still did not feel like a black belt.
I tested for third, and was part of the discussions for the other promotions. This did not make me feel like a black belt.
I am not sure when it was, yet it might have been when I could answer questions posed by students in class and also at seminars I was teaching.
I am not sure if I have it everyday, but I really think it for each person to find out for themselves. I do not think it will be the same fore everyone.