When are you considered a senior student?


Orange Belt
I'm sure I've seen a thread on this before, however I cant seem to find it. So I'm sorry if you've already answered this before.

I am currently a blue tag in kickboxing. In dec I intend to grade for my blue belt, which is the halfway point between white and black belt. I still see myself very much a beginner. I was in a cardio caless today when we were told to get a partner, and for the seniors to grab a lower belt. I automatically paired up with a 2nd dan. My Master the. Said to me "I think your more of a senior now." which took me by surprise, and even the 2nd dan said "Did you hear that? Sir just called you a senior." I was then put with a white belt to show him the ropes.

In my opinion, a senior is anyone with a higher rank than me, whether that's in kickboxing or TKD coz my Master teaches both, and many students cross train. I wouldn't class myself as a senior until I was black belt, maybe brown, but even black belts still have ALOT to learn!

When would you consider someone as a senior student?
One day we lined up to bow in and I was the senior kyu rank. So there you go. Happened about a year after my brown belt promotion.
In my opinion, a senior is anyone with a higher rank than me, whether that's in kickboxing or TKD coz my Master teaches both, and many students cross train. I wouldn't class myself as a senior until I was black belt, maybe brown, but even black belts still have ALOT to learn!

When would you consider someone as a senior student?

As an instructor often times I'll refer to a Orange belt a senior if I'm talking with a Yellow belt strictly to help the student learn to respect those in higher rank from the beginning. Likewise that student I just referred to as senior to the Yellow belt would be a junior to those above him in rank. If I wanted the higher ranks to work with the lower ranks (like you described) I would/could refer to you as a senior.

As far as your comment I am only senior to the students/instructors to my left (when we line up) and even as a black belt I still have a lot to learn and hopefully my cup will never be full.
When the sifu, sensei, teacher says he/she is


It also depends on the class. A blue belt might be THE senior student in a beginner class. We had a beginner class this week that was new people (no belt), white belts, and yellow belts. My wife (3rd geup) was the only student there above 8th geup.
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Unless it's your first day on the mat, you're probably Sempai to someone.

Peace favor your sword,
In my own little dojang the senior student is the student that has been with me the longest (and generally highest ranking). Also the senior student is expected to help out some.
If I consider it within the realm of the dojo/organization in which I train - it would be the group of students who have been there the longest. I'm not sure of an actual time measurement. Maybe when they've worn out a couple gis from hard work and wear.

In discussion with other older students like myself - ten years. Less than ten years is just a pup.
I would say it's relative. Some days I walk into the school, and most of the other students there are senior to me. So I'm one of the junior students. Other days, I walk in and it's mostly students junior to me. So I know I will be spending most of that day playing the role of "senior" and helping the newer guys out.
I'm also over age 50. So technically, I'm not a 'senior' yet. Another 15 years. The AARP thinks I'm a senior now, but to heck with them.
I'm also over age 50. So technically, I'm not a 'senior' yet. Another 15 years. The AARP thinks I'm a senior now, but to heck with them.

AARP just wants you to join and pay them due$. On the other hand I now can honestly order off the senior menu at Denny's and IHOP, so that makes me feel pretty "senior-ish". But gettting back to the OP, seriously who cares? I train under a guy who is technically my "si-dai" or my "junior" in time in the system but he outranks me by a mile and has crazy skills. Unless you are a grandmaster, eventually you will experience having some gifted and hard working "juniors" pass you by ...if you hang around long enough.
Senior is a relative term; as noted, on any given night, someone is the guy in the class with the most time, so he's "senior." And so on...

Otherwise... You're a senior student when your teacher and your classmates treat you like one. Generally... it ain't gonna happen as long as you're worried about being a senior student.
I'm sure I've seen a thread on this before, however I cant seem to find it. So I'm sorry if you've already answered this before.

I am currently a blue tag in kickboxing. In dec I intend to grade for my blue belt, which is the halfway point between white and black belt. I still see myself very much a beginner. I was in a cardio caless today when we were told to get a partner, and for the seniors to grab a lower belt. I automatically paired up with a 2nd dan. My Master the. Said to me "I think your more of a senior now." which took me by surprise, and even the 2nd dan said "Did you hear that? Sir just called you a senior." I was then put with a white belt to show him the ropes.

In my opinion, a senior is anyone with a higher rank than me, whether that's in kickboxing or TKD coz my Master teaches both, and many students cross train. I wouldn't class myself as a senior until I was black belt, maybe brown, but even black belts still have ALOT to learn!

When would you consider someone as a senior student?

I think the answer depends on the discipline. Senior students are ones that can teach or that students should and do listen to.

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