Brian Jones
Blue Belt
Ok so back to your original question, when would you use one over the other. Again it all depends. A lot depends on opportunity and target availablity. Your opponent may be open for one and not the other. Its a bit of an overgeneralization, but the wheel kick (in your terminology) is faster and has less of an opportunity to be telegraphed. The roundhouse may be slower since it travels a greater distance, but may be more powerful.
Now as I said that's over generalized. I've been hit with some wheel kicks that hit like a sledgehammer, and have seen some fast roundhouse kicks. When you get rigth down to it there isn't a tiem when one is always used over the other. A god rule of thumb is proper weapon to proper target I hope that helps.
Brian Jones
Now as I said that's over generalized. I've been hit with some wheel kicks that hit like a sledgehammer, and have seen some fast roundhouse kicks. When you get rigth down to it there isn't a tiem when one is always used over the other. A god rule of thumb is proper weapon to proper target I hope that helps.
Brian Jones