Roundhouse kicks and broken legs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hefeweizen
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Originally posted by Hefeweizen
I'm sick of it being blocked and giving me a golf ball sized lump and bruised shin.
Thanks Aaron

I hope you have found success with the roundhouse kick recently. If not, try soccer shin pads under your regular pads to add protection. Also work on those feints man! :)

Also work on those feints man!

So true! I can't believe I forgot about fake-outs, I do it all the time. What works for me is to throw an actual full roundhouse about a foot and a half to the side of his head, this often causes a guy to reach out (the first time, anyway) to block and if you've got quick hands coming down, you can smoke him in the ribs, or sometimes a quick backknuckle to the head.
Originally posted by yilisifu
The roundhouse kick, because of it's fairly wide arc, can be (but doesn't have to be) a fairly obvious kick. Since the opponent can see it easily, he can readily block it - especially if it's used as a "lead" technique rather than as a "follow-up" technique.

Is the wide arc neccesary? Imagine you have lifted your leg up to kick. If we imagined the hip at 0 degrees (top of the thigh parralel to the floor) and kicked and we would probably call it a front kick. If we rotated the hip 90 degrees (thigh now faces the wall, perpindicular to the floor) and kicked we would probably call it a round house kick. What about 1 degree of rotation? 45? 89? It would seem to me that it would be best to varry the angle of our kick based on the target and weapon we have chosen. Not because the kick "has to be that way."
I find with both mid roundhouses and front kicks the biggest threat is ctahing the elbow (nasty people can do this on purpose as well).

There's not a great deal you can actually do about it, just look for your target a little better.
Originally posted by Jester
I find with both mid roundhouses and front kicks the biggest threat is ctahing the elbow (nasty people can do this on purpose as well).

There's not a great deal you can actually do about it, just look for your target a little better.

I'm one of those nasty people that likes to do it (not allowed in the UFC though).