What's your most controversial, non-political opinion?


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
Covington, WA
This thread is intended to be light hearted and not serious, and definitely not political or coronavirus related. My friends and I had a pretty good time with this on Facebook, and I thought you guys might enjoy it, too.

The point of the thread is to share your most unpopular, controversial opinion, and be ready to defend it, if needed. Of course, nothing political, and nothing that violates the code of conduct on the forum.

I'll start with something I've kept inside for a really long time, but it's time to say it: Soccer isn't really a sport. It's a way for uncoordinated kids to get some exercise, and a little sunshine.
Oh, this is going to be fun! Lemme' think on dis.
I think mushrooms are the worst food ever. Some part of my mind, I have no idea why, considers them actively evil. I will not eat anything that has mushrooms in it, in the past I would not kiss my fiancee if she had eaten a mushroom since the last time she brushed her teeth, and I stopped talking to someone for 3 months for throwing a mushroom at me.
I believe that all striking Arts are fifty percent window dressing. Mine included. Heck, especially mine.
I think mushrooms are the worst food ever. Some part of my mind, I have no idea why, considers them actively evil. I will not eat anything that has mushrooms in it, in the past I would not kiss my fiancee if she had eaten a mushroom since the last time she brushed her teeth, and I stopped talking to someone for 3 months for throwing a mushroom at me.
Wow. That goes beyond your run of the mill dislike of a particular food. I love mushrooms myself.

I imagine you saying to your fiancee, "Hey, could you smoke this cigar to get rid of the mushroom smell on your breath?" :)
I believe that all striking Arts are fifty percent window dressing. Mine included. Heck, especially mine.
I would say "them's fighting words" but chances are we'd get into a debate about whether anyone can actually fight.
I would say "them's fighting words" but chances are we'd get into a debate about whether anyone can actually fight.

Sometime after this pandemic thing is over I think we should all meet up in a central location and just beat the Bejesus out of each other...and then party like the animals we are. I think it should be on Maui....because, you know, it's central.

And I have avocados!
Wow. That goes beyond your run of the mill dislike of a particular food. I love mushrooms myself.

I imagine you saying to your fiancee, "Hey, could you smoke this cigar to get rid of the mushroom smell on your breath?" :)
I've done that with alcohol. She's not a cigar smoker.

And yeah, there are other foods I dislike. But mushrooms take the cake. Must be some repressed childhood memory or something.
In my opinion....

The earth is not flat.....or round...its a cube


and I also believe

i seem to have quite a few unpopular opinions

so music

the monkeys were better than the Beatles, not a bit better night and day better

I've done that with alcohol. She's not a cigar smoker.

And yeah, there are other foods I dislike. But mushrooms take the cake. Must be some repressed childhood memory or something.
i have much the same reaction to baked beans, its not the beans, i like beans its the sauce

i have spent a big chunk of my life saying to people who sell English breakfast NO BEANS, then when they are incapable of following a simple instruction, say i said no beans, at which point they scrape the beans off, leaving my bacon eggs and mushroom covered in bean juice and think im complely unreasonable when i insist on a fresh bean source free breakfast
I have similar issues with beans, right down to the scraping off or telling to "just eat around them". No.

Here's one: is it time to allow professional athletes to dope? They would need to disclose and work with a doctor and there would need to be limits related to their biology...like hematocrit levels that disqualified them.
i seem to have quite a few unpopular opinions

so music

the monkeys were better than the Beatles, not a bit better night and day better
Come on. The Monkeys weren't even musicians. That's like saying Bjorn Borg is the best squash player ever. :)
i have much the same reaction to baked beans, its not the beans, i like beans its the sauce

i have spent a big chunk of my life saying to people who sell English breakfast NO BEANS, then when they are incapable of following a simple instruction, say i said no beans, at which point they scrape the beans off, leaving my bacon eggs and mushroom covered in bean juice and think im complely unreasonable when i insist on a fresh bean source free breakfast
I thought an English breakfast was a touristy thing and not something you guys actually eat.
I have similar issues with beans, right down to the scraping off or telling to "just eat around them". No.

Here's one: is it time to allow professional athletes to dope? They would need to disclose and work with a doctor and there would need to be limits related to their biology...like hematocrit levels that disqualified them.
That's a good one. I say, if we do that, we may as well get rid of OSHA altogether, go back to the good old days where kids get stuck in the chimneys and like it! :D
Come on. The Monkeys weren't even musicians. That's like saying Bjorn Borg is the best squash player ever. :)I thought an English breakfast was a touristy thing and not something you guys actually eat.
thats why they were better, they had top quality session musicians and professional song writers, much like Elvis, who also wasnt a '' musician''

it is fair to say that the more acid the Beatles took the better they got, but thats outside influence, its like doping in sport, it just makes you a cheat

no at least some of us eat an English breakfast though its called a '' fry up'' round here we have ''breakfast on a barm''. which is the whole breakfast on a huge bread roll, to go,
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I think most martial arts are garbage money grabs invented a LOT more recently than most people want to admit and weren’t intended to be used for fighting, but instead for exercise.

Avocados are tasteless.

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Here's one: is it time to allow professional athletes to dope? They would need to disclose and work with a doctor and there would need to be limits related to their biology...like hematocrit levels that disqualified them.
I've had that thought before. It normally comes after some scandal, in the guise of "they're all doing it anyway, might as well make it legal so they can do it safely". Then I realize that if literally every athlete had to do it (which is what would happen), it would become even more prevalent in high school/college/middle school, and that's not something that I want to happen.
I've had that thought before. It normally comes after some scandal, in the guise of "they're all doing it anyway, might as well make it legal so they can do it safely". Then I realize that if literally every athlete had to do it (which is what would happen), it would become even more prevalent in high school/college/middle school, and that's not something that I want to happen.
it would be wrong to say they are all doing it anyway, because its reasonably clear the unsuccessful ones are not however detection science lags the doping science, so its impossible to police

building your '' fitness 'at middle school, long before your subject to testing gives an enormous boost to your changes of making the pro, if anyone has such intent is would be beyond stupid not to, particularly as your chances decrease even more if you refrain and others do not,
I think most martial arts are garbage money grabs invented a LOT more recently than most people want to admit and weren’t intended to be used for fighting, but instead for exercise.
Billy Blanks says, "Thank you, and you're welcome." (Just kidding @Buka!)
Avocados are tasteless.
That's just a fact. It's like eating congealed boogers.
That's a good one. I say, if we do that, we may as well get rid of OSHA altogether, go back to the good old days where kids get stuck in the chimneys and like it! :D

I've had that thought before. It normally comes after some scandal, in the guise of "they're all doing it anyway, might as well make it legal so they can do it safely". Then I realize that if literally every athlete had to do it (which is what would happen), it would become even more prevalent in high school/college/middle school, and that's not something that I want to happen.

I am not advocating for athletes all becoming medical super-humans like the Russian dude in Rocky IV. Here's my thinking:

"Normal" ranges for things like hematocrit, iron levels, testostorone are really large and there is a huge difference from being in the bottom of the "normal" range and near the top of the "normal" range. Both are considered safe. When people drop below those normal levels by a standard deviation, drug therapies are employed to bring them back into the normal range. I experienced this myself, but the second I was in the normal range, of course, they stopped. I felt so much better that I can only imagine what it might be like to be in the high end of the normal range. When you go above normal, it becomes unsafe and people sometimes die or experience other health issues.

I could go to an anti-aging clinic now and a medical doctor would augment my testosterone and monitor it into safe-normal ranges.

There is legitimate medical practice around this. The problem is people scoring drugs from their team mates and self administering without any bloodwork.

Professional sports have gotten way more difficult in terms of # of games played, length of seasons and intensity of things like bike racing over an extended month.

A former minor league baseball player told me that they used lighter bats at the end of the season than at the beginning because they couldn't swing them anymore. During the baseball steroids era I wasn't surprised by the home run hitters who were obviously juiced, but by the pitchers and 2nd basemen who said "it's not about being bigger, it's about recovering from injury faster. I couldn't play a full season without this."

So, what if: There were medical protocols for sports medicine that responsibly and safely included tuning of these aspects of athletics blood chemistry. Doctors and athletes had to disclose what they were doing and lab work was mandatory to ensure that the athlete was staying within normal limits. If you go above normal limits, you are suspended and not re-instated until your lab work comes back normal. If you continually go above, then your treatment protocol is no longer approved. If anyone gets caught doing anything that isn't part of an approved, registered, professionally administered protocol they are barred from the sport for life. We give you a way to do it above board, that covers all of the legitimate excuses and levels the playing field with people who's body naturally produces higher levels of those things. Anything else is cheating and dangerous and you can't play anymore, no second chances.