What are your opinions on Jake Mace?

Shows you what I know.....

Going through this thread I'm picturing Jesse Enkamp in my head for some reason. (I get young guys mixed up sometimes.)

I'm thinking, "The fellas are being kind of hard on him, he seems like a nice kid."

Then I google him. Duh. I'm not sure I've seen Jake Mace. I guess I'll check him out.
Shows you what I know.....

Going through this thread I'm picturing Jesse Enkamp in my head for some reason. (I get young guys mixed up sometimes.)

I'm thinking, "The fellas are being kind of hard on him, he seems like a nice kid."

Then I google him. Duh. I'm not sure I've seen Jake Mace. I guess I'll check him out.
Yep, Jesse and Jake are very different people. I’d actually enjoy attending a class with Jesse Enkamp. Jake Mace … probably not so much.
BTW, speaking for the moderation staff here, I should note that fraud busting is against the MartialTalk terms of service.

It’s okay to note Jake Mace’s documented training history. That he trained in Shaolin Do under Sin Thé. That Sin Thé testified in court that he (Sin Thé) had personally created the unique forms taught in Shaolin Do. (I don’t know what additional training he has picked up since leaving Shaolin Do, but if you have knowledge of that you could pass it on.)

It’s okay to offer your opinion that the body dynamics embodied in Jake Mace’s demonstration of various Kung Fu methods don’t match the body dynamics that you have learned in your experience of CMA.

It’s okay to offer technical criticism of a particular technique he demonstrates on video. (Although I would recommend against that unless someone has a specific question regarding that video. MartialTalk isn’t intended to be a forum for randomly picking out people on YouTube to ridicule.)

It’s okay to allow people to draw their own conclusions from the above. However explicitly calling people out as frauds is not allowable under MartialTalk rules.
Calasanz is the best though. I didn't think he was still teaching.
I believe he is still committing fraud. The guy is in peak form. I don't take that away from him. And he could do well just being a fitness coach. But martial arts? I read an interview where the Master he claimed was his Sensei, Sakamoto, said that Calasanz was a green belt when he was taking a few seminars with him. He was never his student.
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Please refer to the Rules regarding fraud busting. As was clearly explained above, we do not permit fraud busting. There is room to debate qualifications and legitimacy but, especially if the person is not present to defend themselves, accusatory postings are not permitted.

MartialTalk Administrator
4.16.1 Fraud Busting

Due to its nature, this forum encourages the asking and answering of questions. Many times one member will have questions and concerns about the history, skills, lineage, or paperwork of another member. In other cases, things may be stated on a webpage, flyer or article relating to a member that raises some questions. Sometimes, comments will have been made elsewhere and those issues carried over to MartialTalk.

MartialTalk and its staff encourage the polite and professional search for knowledge. Questions and concerns may be brought up, with the understanding that the other party is under no requirement to answer.

Most questions may be raised within the forums dedicated to a particular art or area of interest. For example, Kenpo Lineage questions in the Kenpo forum, are fine. Others of a more serious note, are to be limited to the The Great Debate forum.


Please refer to the Rules regarding fraud busting. As was clearly explained above, we do not permit fraud busting. There is room to debate qualifications and legitimacy but, especially if the person is not present to defend themselves, accusatory postings are not permitted.

MartialTalk Administrator
Unfortunately, beginners may look at these "teachers" and think they look enticing to learn from. I look how they move and do their forms to know what bad is. Bottom line is buyer beware.
Terrible Tim Witherspoon 2X Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World here. I have seen this gentleman preform his art. It seems lots of people like him and enjoy watching his videos. I think if it helps people get fit and think of health, I support it. I have never heard him put down anyone, so I respect that. I do know there are lots of people that also dislike him and what he is teaching. As to what he is teaching I can say this. As many arts I look at, I would modify somethings. I often see great techniques in traditional arts that need some slight tweaking, and they can be highly effective. I like many of the exercises and movements in his videos. They can be useful at improving your power, balance and explosive movement. I don't discount the traditional arts, but I am also not an expert on them. So, what I am saying here is far from an expert opinion on Kung Fu
I often see great techniques in traditional arts that need some slight tweaking, and they can be highly effective.
Biggest problem of traditional martial arts is. They show what to do, how to do it, but not how to use it. There's a big difference between teaching a jab and showing someone how to use a jab. This is where I think traditional martial arts get into big trouble. There's a difference between copying a recipe and cooking. Traditional Martial Arts practitioners need to do the "actual cooking" even if it's just a little.
Biggest problem of traditional martial arts is. They show what to do, how to do it, but not how to use it. There's a big difference between teaching a jab and showing someone how to use a jab. This is where I think traditional martial arts get into big trouble. There's a difference between copying a recipe and cooking. Traditional Martial Arts practitioners need to do the "actual cooking" even if it's just a little.
Yes you are 100% correct. Every technique needs to be pressure tested!

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