Senior Master
No , no, and no again. If your intent is to swing at something then that is what you are doing. Simple as that. Just becasue your skill level is minimal does not mean that you cannot swing at something and hit what you are swinging at. It may not look pretty and it may not be the best way to do it, but you still intended on moving your fist to hit a target. No luck here at all. Once you intend to do something and you do it then there is no luck at all once you do it. If you miss then you simply miss and need to practice on not missing. If you hit then you need to practice on hitting harder, faster, and more accurately. You only improve on the skill level not the luck level. Again you concept of luck is flawed. But if you can't understand this simple concept then you won't train properly. You will simply do what a lot of people do. They train to a certain level and then feel that they are good enough and hope to win if ever in a fight. While other people who understand that there is no luck involved will train to know they can win. If you are hoping to win then you are believing in luck. And if you win you will say I got lucky. But that is not the case. You simply did something first and good enough to win that time. Simple as that. Now if you know you can win then you trained to do what you need to do and can make it happen on queue. Even if you lose but trained to win, the other person at that time simply did something that you did not train enough for. If a bigger, stronger, faster person gets tagged with a wild swing by a weaker, slower, smaller person, and get KO'd is not luck. It simply means that the so called better person missed something in his training that he was not ready for. It could also mean that he will never be ready for that type of attack as everyone has limitation.ATC,
If you throw punches without knowledge of where they will land, and happen to knock someone out, that would be luck. If I throw a basketball at a hoop, having no experience in doing so (but still understanding that the best result is that the ball goes in), and it goes in, is that not luck? Sure you may have wanted to knock him out, but a random punch. For example, isn't "swinging wildly" the same as swinging randomly (granted, not calculated random, but without purpose true random). You didn't intend to swing and knock the person out. You hoped that it would happen.
In every sport there are teams or people that will always beat a better team or other person no matter what. I have seen some of the best boxer get beat multiple times by the same horrible boxer. Ali never beat Ken Norton but yet Ken Norton could not beat everyone that Ali beat. Why? Luck? No, Ali simply had no answer for what Ken Norton did. Ali had limits that Norton could exploit.
Training to improve luck is like trying to prove a negative. It simply can't be done. You can't train or prove something that you cannot predict or know.
You can't train or prove something that you cannot predict or know.