I'm not a spring chicken, but ran into a guy in his 60's that started Kenpo a few years ago. He said a few things that got me interested and started me down the online research rabbit hole. There aren't many places to train that are close enough to me that that I could consistently get there. I've narrowed it down to 2, maybe three, and have spoken to the two that are close enough. Both were very different.
One essentially worked out of his garage, was very out of shape, said he had good lineage to Parker and talked a lot about weapons training. I'll sit in on a class, but our discussion seemed odd and not like he had a structured training plan. He didn't seem interested in the mental or emotional aspects of Kenpo at all. Much of what I researched online spoke quite a bit about this.
The other was a young guy who seemed to have a very structured training, didn't have a ton to say on the phone but I guess I wouldn't expect him to, invited me to watch a class, but seemed to really not be very deep spiritually. He had a marketer who answered his messages and booked people looking for information, but he wasn't really hard to get hold of when I expressed an interest in talking to him. He really didn't have much to say when I asked about lineage.
I've done a bunch of research online and it seems like there are a million different styles of Kenpo, lots of them throwing shade on the others, no real oversight, and that lineage is important. I've also seen the Tracy's have a virtual option. I don't see how that would be a good primary source of instruction for me, but it's inexpensive enough it may be worth signing up for as supplemental learning? Maybe that would just mess up my primary instruction? I really enjoy reading/researching/studying the "why" and philosophy of things, even if it's online, but I'd prefer direction from an expert.
I guess my question is how do you know? What questions should I ask? Does it even make a difference?