What weapons are these?

One of the few movies that I have ever seen that had a real display of martial arts was "The Bad News Bears Go to Japan". In it there was a scene where they showed karate and the people were actually doing Naihanchi Shodan.
Escrima and Arnis are derived from Kali which itself is derived from Penkat Silat. Those are just Sticks used for training in all of those forms. There only about £7 for a good pair and thats what me and loads of other Kali practicioners use for doing the drills when we cant use the sword of others.
well those looked like painted hardwood, most kali practitioners use rattan I think.
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Escrima and Arnis are derived from Kali which itself is derived from Penkat Silat.

I think you may have your information slightly skewed...

According to Mark Wiley in his books on Filipino martial arts, the FMA are all essentially indiginous arts with little significant difference from each other. He seemed to theorize that Arnis was the more indiginous of the three, with Escrima having a good amount of influence from Spanish occupation forces, and Kali (while being a term not actually used in the P.I.) having more Indonesian and Chinese influence.

Ultimately, however, one art did not necessarily "evolve" from the others in such a linear fashion as you describe...

Just my 2 yen... I am still new in the whole FMA field, so my research continues...


I'd agree with Mr. Stone about the history of the FMA, though all the arts have a strong Spanish influence and some have a definite Indochinese influence. As to the rattan, that's for training to rpevent tennis elbow (really) for you and heavy hits for your partner. Heavier woods are used for combat.
well I have taken a "light" hit from a hard wood stick and all I can say is I'm glad it wasn't to a finger.. I would not make training with hard wood a regular thing unless you were wearing gloves and eye protection.

(edit) forgot to post about FMA origins.

Well I have seen various forms of "kali" "escrima" and "arnis" prcticed and I have got to say that it all looks very simular, to say they are diffrent arts I think can be misleading, it's more like the diffrences you would see between two diffrent schools in some cases. I was wondering, is this due to the resistance in WWII ? I know that FMA went under alot of change in world war two but I'm not 100% sure what it all was. My instructor told me that the tactics were changed to deal with the japanese swordsmen? And does anyone know what FMA looked like pre-WWII ?
Hmmmmm, Im not so sure. Doesnt matter there will always be loads of differant ideas of how each art and each form came around. Im just saying what Dan Inasanto said in one of his speeches. But if I was wrong excuse me. :asian:
Also about the whole training with hardwood stuff. Most of the hard hits are to the arms and forearms so you get used to it ;)
yeah but all it will take is one hit to the hand to break something, and hardwoods bounce diffrent than rattan, I'd probably put out my own eye off a rebound :p