What TV shows did you grow up watching?

Oh.....what about
Soap? Who remembers that jewel! That was a great show.
Star Trek Reruns, Transformers, Voltron, Knight Rider, The Dukes of Hazzard, GI Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Godzilla.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
has everyone forgot about "HONG KONG FOOYEE"? That was my hero.

Who remembers American Gladiators?
Trapper John MD

All time favorite show has to be Married with children!!

oh. my. god. american gladiators.. :lol:
Sky King, Dick Van Dyke, Captain Kangoroo, Carol Burnett, Howdie Doody, etc. yes I'm old, but at least I still remember. Anyone here ever hear of a show called Bertie the Bunyip? Or the Gene London Show. They were kids shows out of Philadelphia. O yeah-how about Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins.

mutual of omaha-yes.....others.............Huh? Never heard of them....

Batman (the live action, not the cartoon)

star trek: TNG

x files
lois and clark
star trek: DS9

Star Trek Voyager
Boston Public

Did anyone say "Little House on the Prairie?" or "Grape Ape?" or "UnderDog?" or "Emergency"??

Other than those two, for me it was/is:

Sesame Street
Electric Company
Captain Kangaroo
Reading Rainbow
Romper Room
Mr. Rogers
Brady Bunch
Three's Company
Wonder Years
Northern Exposure
Saturday night Live
Kung Fu
The Loony Toons stuff
Magnum P.I.
Dukes of Hazard

:asian: :karate:
Forgot the show "Relativity"- Wasn't on for long.......did anyone else watch that?:asian: :karate:
My TV viewing as a child was a bit skewed, since we spent several years in Japan. Watched a lot of anime before it came to the U.S. I was behind for some time on American TV shows until we got back to the U.S.

I really cant remember.........only a lot of GI-Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as Spiderman and X-men and the live action Batman re-runs. I think thats about it, I wasnt allowed to watch much TV :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I really cant remember.........only a lot of GI-Joe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as Spiderman and X-men and the live action Batman re-runs. I think thats about it, I wasnt allowed to watch much TV :D

You're not fully grown up yet.. so there'fore your submissions are not valid......

So there...
Originally posted by Abbax8
O yeah-how about Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins.

"While Jim wrestles with the rabid cougar, I'll be in the tent mixing martinis..." :rofl:

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
ROBOTECH. . . .simply awsome. Back then they used to show it unedited. So there was plenty of violence to get me going in the morning just before school. :snipe2:
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Ok.. I know I'm old now...........

you could turn the telly on... go get your breakfast and come back in time for it to warm up :)

Man! You couldn't have that now, people would be complaining about the TV taking too long to warm up. And they would probably sue someone. LOL! :D
Seeing all of those makes me think....Man there were/are alot of shows on TV! You could spend the rest of your life watching TV and never see it all. :eek:
Originally posted by Ender
Anyone remeber the "Thunderbirds"?

Wasn't that the one with the cheesey puppet/marionettes that drove the really cool numbered vehicles.
Originally posted by jeffkyle
Man! You couldn't have that now, people would be complaining about the TV taking too long to warm up. And they would probably sue someone. LOL! :D

More than likely some kid would take a hammer to it thinking it was broken ~!
Then the parent would sue..~
what a variety of tv shows and age groups we have here.
I alwas assume everyone is about my age, and forget we have quite a variety of people in here.

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