What are those knuckleheads at WB thinking?


@#$%^&* with the Looney Toons is just wrong!


What's up with Bugs?
Cartoon legend and friends get makeover from Warner Bros.
By Marietta Homayonpour and Heather Barr

THE NEWS-TIMES Well, at least the buck tooth is still there.

Othewise, a new version of cartoon legend Bugs Bunny looks nothing like the smart-aleck, carrot-chewing, "What's up, Doc?" spewing original.

That's because Bugs' corporate parents have given him an extreme makeover.

The same goes for the Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and the Tasmanian Devil. The new Looney Tunes look is more streamlined, angular and aggressive looking. Some compare it to anime, the Japanese cartooning style.

Some like it. Some don't.

"Whoa! These are cool. They look better than the old kind. They look more like superheroes," said Joey Piatnik, 9, of Bethel.

"Daffy looks more detailed. He has a beak that looks more like a beak and Wile E. Coyote's ears are more pointy and he has a better tail," said Joey. "The Road Runner looks like there's a lighting bolt on his head and his wings look like a lighting bolt."

Others call the new versions dark, scary and menacing.

"I am all for updating the classics, but this look is plain evil," said Marlon Ruilova, 24, a junior graphic design major at Western Connecticut State University. "Bugs Bunny looks like he could rip a hole through you. The Road Runner has arms and claws."

He thinks the updated characters should be toned down if they're going to be marketed to kids. "This is ridiculous, crazy," said Ruilova.

The folks at Warner Bros., the entertainment giant that makes the Looney Tunes cartoons, don't seem to be worried that they might have a "New Coke" situation on their hands.

They explain that the old Bugs and Daffy aren't technically being replaced. Instead, they say the new versions have been created to star in a new Saturday program that will air this fall. The show is set far in the future and the new *-characters –to be known as the Loonatics – are "descendants" of the originals.

"They are all new characters," said Janice Aguilar-Herrero, a spokesman for Warner Bros., calling them "reimagined" cartoon figures. "They are descendants of our classic, legendary icons. These are super, futuristic heroes."

They are blasphemy, said Chris Infante, a WestConn senior.

"I actually hate it," said the former graphic design major who still draws cartoons. "They shouldn't change the Looney Toons. I grew up watching the Looney Toons. I still watch them because they are fun."

He said the new Bugs Bunny looks like an "evil demon" and is too intense for kids already growing up in a too-violent world. "It is not a good role model for them to look up to."

Not all grown-ups are upset with Warner Bros.

"I think it's a good idea," said Joan Polzin, a graduate student in painting at WestConn. The Brookfield resident said the characters needed an overhaul so they would appeal to today's children. "You have to work harder to keep their attention," Polzin said.

The new characters grabbed the attention of third-graders at Berry School in Bethel.

"You see them as funny animals that talk," 8-year-old Erik Thode said of the original characters. "The new ones are totally the opposite. That's good. They're different."

Erik watches Saturday morning cartoons and said it's time for a change. "Looney Tunes has been on for 40 years. We need a new Looney Tunes."

Without being told, the children guessed the show was set in the future by looking at the design of the characters.

"The eyes look like they're glowing. They kind of look like robots," said Danielle Spinella, 8.

Danielle's favorite character is Bugs Bunny because "he's really funny and smart and he always tricks the other characters." She said the redesigned character will be even better. "He's going to be a really cool character and I think he will be the boss of everyone."

Eight-year-old Sam Reidt's favorite character is the Road Runner. How does the new version stack up to the old? "I like him about the same. The shape is a lot different. He's pointier and more serious and he looks more like a robot," said Sam.

The children also picked up on the more aggressive look. The original Bugs Bunny is 8-year-old Danielle Nuzzo's favorite character because he's funny and she said "I think the new one is going to be a little mean."

Still, Danielle liked the colors and futuristic design of the new characters. "The new ones all match. Since they'll be on the same show, they should look the same."

But for art teacher Deanna Gesuero, the originals – the ones she grew up with – are still the best. "I prefer the older ones, the softness of them, and the realism."

From an artist's perspective, Gesuero said the original characters are better crafted. "There's a lot more painting and drawing," said Gesuero. The newer ones, she said, "are more digitized."

Several well-known cartoonists live in the Danbury area, including Joseph Farris of Bethel, Dana Fradon of Newtown and Orlando Busino of Ridgefield. As of Thursday, none of them had seen the new Looney Tunes characters.

Neither Farris nor Busino were against the idea of a redesign. But they weren't happy to hear that the new characters appear more aggressive. Fradon, however, was against changing characters that have been part of American life for decades. "They're tampering with the sacred," Fradon said.
Agreed, it is wrong and they're (from the teeny tiny pics that I've been able to glean) tooo wicked.
He said the new Bugs Bunny looks like an "evil demon" and is too intense for kids already growing up in a too-violent world. "It is not a good role model for them to look up to."
Now this I will have to kinda go "HUH?" I mean Bugs could usually be found going ... "Here Doc, hold this a minnit" and give Elmer, Taz, Wile E., or some other "baddie" a bomb in a gaily wrapped package or whatever then two seconds later "BLAM!" And Elmer with his seemingly endless ammuntion for a double barrel shot gun, Wile E. Coyote getting blown up by the ever faithful Acme products, Foghorn Leghorn slamming the crap out of the Dog's *** with a two by four while he slept in his dog house, and the list goes on. Too violent world? Good role model? Ehhh, I dunno doc.

But then Pengu-wens is practikally Chickens!
That's really uncool. Looney Tunes are supposed to be "Looney", not dark and menacing. There's a whole slieu of cartoons that're already like that (at least there were when I was a kid).
Eldritch Knight said:
That's really uncool. Looney Tunes are supposed to be "Looney", not dark and menacing.

Weh decided this was "Dark and Menacing Toons?" I can see porky pig now:

Well, that first picture caption and a part of the article said that these are "descendants" of the originals. So these aren't the original characters made over, they're children of children of children of children... of the originals. Too bad that picture of all of them isn't bigger to see them better, but I must admit that they do look more menacing. Interestingly enough, the children mentioned in the article all seemed to like the change. The ones against it were the adults like us who have grown up with the originals that have been around for decades. But if their target audience is children and the kids like it, they've made a good decision, right? BTW, if anyone wasn't aware, they have essentially messed with the Loony Toons characters before -- they made baby versions for Baby Looney Toons. I think there were a few new chacters and some of the originals aren't in it, but still. So it's not like this is the first time they've altered the characters in some fashion
Dronak said:
BTW, if anyone wasn't aware, they have essentially messed with the Loony Toons characters before -- they made baby versions for Baby Looney Toons. I think there were a few new chacters and some of the originals aren't in it, but still. So it's not like this is the first time they've altered the characters in some fashion
Yeah but they have never changed the overall intent and look of the Looney Tunes so drastically and negatively before.
Only the Tazmanian Devil looks recognizable to the original
Man. Now I'm starting to feel old.... Crap, wasn't it not too very long ago that they stopped airing the majority of those cartoons because of the violence factor? *shakes head and walks away*.
Is nothing sacred anymore? Why is it that something that is a classic, that has entertained generation after generation needs to be "modernized?" This is just sad. :(
MACaver said:
Foghorn Leghorn slamming the crap out of the Dog's *** with a two by four while he slept in his dog house
Holy Jesus, that was funny. I can so picture that. I grew up on Looney Tunes reruns on Nickelodeon, guess the execs kinda picked that name outta the hat. these new toons look like the hell version. what kind of hijinks could these guys possibly get in to? ...what's Elmer gonna look like? decked out in BTU's with his AR and spit polished combat boots...no more double barreled action for him.
Chronuss said:
I grew up on Looney Tunes reruns on Nickelodeon.
Heh. Crap. I grew up on Looney Tunes on CBS - no cable back then.

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