What to do. Conundrum

So I want to start MA again after a 12 year lay off. I just turned 50 and need to do some stuff to get my diabetes and health under control. I have some mild arthritis and I am not particulary overweight, however I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle, which is my own fault. 12+ years ago I received an advanced belt in Chuck Norris Style, not a black belt but a few belts below. I have forgotten all of it because I eventually stopped training. I am wanting to get back into MA but I dont know what I want to do. There are LOTS of options near me. Tkd, a ton of BJJ, some MMA, JDK, and a school that teaches Hapkido. Right now Im looking at two different places to try out. One is a Shuri Ryu school that is closely affiliated with Jerry Piddington and another is a Jackson Wink affiliate. My conundrum is Im not sure what I really want to do and would like some suggestions from folks who have trained. I enjoyed the structure and traditional aspect of the CNS school I went to. I really like that aspect of the MA. Sadly there are no CNS schools near me and Id probably have to start over if i attended again to refresh myself. On the other hand I think about the Shuri school and realize have to go through all the kata and all the other things again. Im a realist and know that im not going to be getting into fights, but to learn an effective art is paramount as well. I like the belt aspect of being graded as well, even though im sure you will disagree. I guess the average traditional MA has advantage over the untrained. The JW school does award belts, which is something Greg Jackson invented. At this point I know I should try them to see what I like, I just dont want to make a huge commitment without knowing what im looking at in the long run. What do yall think? Any insights from long time practioners of any of the above?
Like I said on the other forum

I've been in Martial arts since 1972 and trained various styles, but to be 100% honest, I'm not you so I can't tell you what to do. My best advice is to try as many as you can and find the one that best fits you and meets your requirements

This is a link to search Chuck Norris affiliated schools, maybe there is one near you

Welcome to the United Fighting Arts Federation (UFAF) and the Chuck Norris System!
I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle,
This is death. I invested in a fitness watch to help me with this. I sit on a computer all day so the reminders help remind me to take those extra breaks. The watch is goal oriented so it helps me manage my activities and outcomes.

I highly recommend one if you are comfortable with sitting down for long periods of times. I work out in the evenings but it's not enough to counter the amount of time I spend sitting down.
This is death. I invested in a fitness watch to help me with this. I sit on a computer all day so the reminders help remind me to take those extra breaks. The watch is goal oriented so it helps me manage my activities and outcomes.

I highly recommend one if you are comfortable with sitting down for long periods of times. I work out in the evenings but it's not enough to counter the amount of time I spend sitting down.
👍. Never stop moving…
👍. Never stop moving…
Dick Van Dyke agrees.
Well I had great plans to reach out and touch base with some of the local schools and LUCKY me (not) wound up with shingles in my mouth of all places! Me or my mom cannot ever remember me having chickenpox! Talk about a real conundrum! This past week has been a kick in the face literally and figuratively!
Well I had great plans to reach out and touch base with some of the local schools and LUCKY me (not) wound up with shingles in my mouth of all places! Me or my mom cannot ever remember me having chickenpox! Talk about a real conundrum! This past week has been a kick in the face literally and figuratively!
I'll be getting my shingles shot next week. I've been slack about doing it so. Thanks for thst vivid picture.

I've been running into alot of shingles commercials on TV and the radio, and now this. Message received . No more procrastination.
I'll be getting my shingles shot next week. I've been slack about doing it so. Thanks for thst vivid picture.

I've been running into alot of shingles commercials on TV and the radio, and now this. Message received . No more procrastination.
My wife was on me about it, I turned 50 last December, typical stubborn male here. I cannot stress the importance of Shingrix now.
Well I had great plans to reach out and touch base with some of the local schools and LUCKY me (not) wound up with shingles in my mouth of all places! Me or my mom cannot ever remember me having chickenpox! Talk about a real conundrum! This past week has been a kick in the face literally and figuratively!
I Pray you are better soon.
I had them across the side of my head and ear years ago. And I definitely had the Chicken Pox.
Mine were not terrible but certainly uncomfortable.
So I want to start MA again after a 12 year lay off. I just turned 50 and need to do some stuff to get my diabetes and health under control. I have some mild arthritis and I am not particulary overweight, however I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle, which is my own fault. 12+ years ago I received an advanced belt in Chuck Norris Style, not a black belt but a few belts below. I have forgotten all of it because I eventually stopped training. I am wanting to get back into MA but I dont know what I want to do. There are LOTS of options near me. Tkd, a ton of BJJ, some MMA, JDK, and a school that teaches Hapkido. Right now Im looking at two different places to try out. One is a Shuri Ryu school that is closely affiliated with Jerry Piddington and another is a Jackson Wink affiliate. My conundrum is Im not sure what I really want to do and would like some suggestions from folks who have trained. I enjoyed the structure and traditional aspect of the CNS school I went to. I really like that aspect of the MA. Sadly there are no CNS schools near me and Id probably have to start over if i attended again to refresh myself. On the other hand I think about the Shuri school and realize have to go through all the kata and all the other things again. Im a realist and know that im not going to be getting into fights, but to learn an effective art is paramount as well. I like the belt aspect of being graded as well, even though im sure you will disagree. I guess the average traditional MA has advantage over the untrained. The JW school does award belts, which is something Greg Jackson invented. At this point I know I should try them to see what I like, I just dont want to make a huge commitment without knowing what im looking at in the long run. What do yall think? Any insights from long time practioners of any of the above?
I started training at age 46. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and was obese. At first I could not even get through the warmup exercises. Eventually I got better. I chose Isshinryu because it was near me and because I remembered it as the "Marine's Karate" from my time in Okinawa. But it doesn't really matter.

I'm going to say that it doesn't matter what you train, only that you train. Pick one and get started. Paralysis by analysis is real. Do a survey of what's available near you, at a price you like, during times you're available, and if you like it, commit to it. Start training, stop thinking about what if.

If you like belts, that's fine. Do that. Starting over after earning high belts? So what. Nobody cares if you put on a white belt and happen to have prior experience. You'll advance more rapidly in that case.

Just get busy training.
I never had chicken pox, but it seems really uncomfortable.
Actually, it is my understanding that chicken pox can be rather dangerous in adults. If you haven’t had them, look into getting the vaccine.

They suck if you get them as a child, but something about it gets worse if you are an adult.
Actually, it is my understanding that chicken pox can be rather dangerous in adults. If you haven’t had them, look into getting the vaccine.

They suck if you get them as a child, but something about it gets worse if you are an adult.
Chicken Pox in children is no big deal, but in adults it can be life threatening. We don't really know why. It's theorized that it's due to differences in the adult immune system. But when adults get this virus, it's common to see hepatitis, pneumonia, or encephalitis.

And the virus never goes away. It just sort of settles in to sleep in your spine and, later in life, causes shingles in about 20% of the people who had the pox. Which is extremely unpleasant.

Remember, chicken pox is a herpes virus. And everyone should know, herpes is forever...

Worse than this is the HPV virus, If can be argued that HPV is one of the most successful viruses, ever. When you get infected, it causes very mild or no symptoms. It never goes away. And it's found in virtually 100% of the unvaccinated population.

When I say mild or no symptoms, though, that's during the initial infection. Later in life, it causes cervical and throat cancers.

Vaccines. They're a wonderful thing.

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