What style you train in?

Hey Carol we will be having him up here again in Michigan sometime in 2008! (that is the plan) Bob is very analytical and specializes in breaking things down. If you enjoy Silat then you would definately enjoy one of his seminars.
I have also done Inosanto Blend (now Maphilindo), Mande Muda, a tiny, tiny bit of Kuntaw with Bill Bednarick's teacher Brian "Buzz" Smith. (who is simply awesome) I have also had the pleasure to train some with Bob Orlando and will definately do it again. Plus alot of other people at a seminar or an informal training session. Silat is a beautiful art and lot's of lot's of fun. I particularly like the lower leg work and in IRT we do alot of Lower Leg Destructions.
Hey Carol we will be having him up here again in Michigan sometime in 2008! (that is the plan) Bob is very analytical and specializes in breaking things down. If you enjoy Silat then you would definately enjoy one of his seminars.


Sounds like my kinda guy Brian :)
This is fascinating stuff. My exposure to martial arts is primarily through the Chinese arts. I didn't realize there are so many versions of Silat.
This is fascinating stuff. My exposure to martial arts is primarily through the Chinese arts. I didn't realize there are so many versions of Silat.

So many is definately an understatement. There are literally hundreds of styles of Silat and then some.
Indeed, there are hundreds with different applications. This is from a write-up I did of a seminar I went to with GM Edward Lebe.

"There are almost 1000 styles of Silat in Indonesia," he began. Silat is a word that means "self-defense" or "fighting". It is a word that can be as generic as "karate" to Americans. Guro Lebe touched upon some of the reasons why Silat is such a broad term.

"There are four reasons why a person should study Silat," Guro Lebe began. "One, for the self-defense. Two, for dance. Three, for cultural reasons."

I nodded in acknowledgement. "And the fourth?" I asked.

His expression changed. "Fourth is meta-spiritual reasons. For magic. I don't have any interest in those reasons," he said firmly. It was clear that it wasn't a subject that he preferred discussing.

"No magic in our school Guro, just hard training," I responded.

Guro nodded, then looked at me with a sparkle in his eye. "The reason why I study Silat?" he poised. "For the fighting," he grinned. The expression on his face is one that I will likely remember for awhile.
Hey Carol we will be having him up here again in Michigan sometime in 2008! (that is the plan) Bob is very analytical and specializes in breaking things down. If you enjoy Silat then you would definately enjoy one of his seminars.

Glad to hear this Brian, I will be there!

I was wondering if you were going to have him back, we really liked his stuff and looked forward to training with him again.
Not to toot someone else's horn too hard, Brian, but do you know Mushtaq? He's the proverbial Old Wolf with more fangs than you'd think who's been doing all sorts of Silat (and Kali, and Piper knifework, and Kalaripayitt, and Turkish and Persian martial arts and the wrasslin' and fightin' he learned growing up on the Mescalero Reservation) since before there was dirt. He's an excellent teacher and all around decent human being. He's at Chuck Pippin's place in Grand Rapids.
Not to toot someone else's horn too hard, Brian, but do you know Mushtaq? He's the proverbial Old Wolf with more fangs than you'd think who's been doing all sorts of Silat (and Kali, and Piper knifework, and Kalaripayitt, and Turkish and Persian martial arts and the wrasslin' and fightin' he learned growing up on the Mescalero Reservation) since before there was dirt. He's an excellent teacher and all around decent human being. He's at Chuck Pippin's place in Grand Rapids.

And I'll probably be stealing%-} some more of his Silat this weekend.

You should come to the Spring Gathering of Tribes Brian, I promise you'll like it.
I hope you can make it out here, Trent. It's always great to find out that there are real people out there, not just a bunch of AIs (or *** - Artificial Stupidities :) ) in a server room somewhere in Mumbai. One of Guru Plinck's most serious students is also from Baton Rouge.

I do intend on making it out there within the next year or two at the outside. Yes, I know of the guy from Baton Rouge. He writes fairly well, I believe. ;)
It would be nice to meet him as well. I have the same thoughts on meeting up with real folks.
I simply can't wait till this coming August, when we have camp with O' Sensei...
Hopefully my wife won't object(too much) to me going up to Hazelton to drink beer and get the hell kicked out of me by Sutrisno Sensei...From what my Sensei says, it's a definite eye opener...
I met Buzz at one of Chuck's Gatherings. He and his people were impressive as all hell. We'll try to get out there this Spring. If Tiel can't I still might be able to - we need to get more of the Zul Fikar curriculum on tape.
Carol, Bob Orlando is definitely worth checking out. Take a look at any of his books or videos for a pretty good idea of what he's about. He's very straightforward and appeals to geeks and other analytical types. And just because I have to say it, that's one of the things I like about him and my own guru, even though Steve is much more a shoppie and a musician than a techie.

A lot of people say that Silat is "a thinking man's Art". I dunno. If you have time to sit there and think in a fight you're obviously not in a fight :) It is true that it's a good one for intelligent people.
Todd, Great to hear it. I talked to Mushtaq yesterday and he was telling me the plan to streamline the material. Sounds pretty cool, too bad I can't get down there often enough to really take advantage of it.

Well maybe I can be special experimental guinea pig.
Bill is a good Guinea pig, we use him to clean the floors at our club- something about the smile he gives when he is being thrown , tripped, swept, or slam dunked is sooo fun to watch.

Guro Buzz
Bill is a good Guinea pig, we use him to clean the floors at our club- something about the smile he gives when he is being thrown , tripped, swept, or slam dunked is sooo fun to watch.

Guro Buzz

It's not just you either, I think people like to use me as an Uke just to see if I'm as mellow as I look.
We all are here on this earth for a reason or purpose- _ Have you found yours? Being a broom or mop? I think not. Glad to have you as a student , friend, and confidant.
Guro Buzz
Buzz glad you are making it over here more often. Maybe you and Bill could start a thread on your brand of Kuntaw and let everyone know what you are doing up there in Traverse City.

Here is Bill in a normal position, Brian, I would be glad to share any information that people would like to hear. Thanks again for your support.
Guro Buzz