What other options did this LEO have?

So the fact that she was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and short-shorts doesn't make it obvious to you that she wasn't holding a weapon?

In England, this would be classed as excessive force, firstly the police officer made a fist BEFORE he made physical contact, secondly, he engaged the suspect alone, his partner should have helped if they believed she was a threat.

I'd say it was a brutal assault.

I know where you're coming from here,and I respect your opinion.I've seen too many instances of wanton police violence and brutality--ghetto child here--to not accept the fact that more force as opposed to less force is generally the policy of police on the streets.

But I think that we're looking at C- performance by the cop.More force than desireable or preferable,plenty enough force to shock bruise and intimidate the perp,not enough force to genuinely hurt the perp,definitely enough force to keep himself and the victims who called the cops safe. There's probably a lawsuit that the perp will win in this case or the next one (and there will be another). So yeah,he overdid things; yeah he could have done things better. Maybe SHOULD have done things better.Buuut I don't think the cop went to the level of brutality.
I guess there were many options. I don't see any that would have been any more appropriate. I cannot see how much time the officer had before the video starts. It doesn't look like much. I don't see from the time the video starts, that he could be sure the girl wasn't reaching for a weapon. It is just too easy to armchair quarterback without having been there. An officer has an obligation to protect others, himself, and end the situation with as little force as possible.

How many of you who have commented against the officer have been in real fights and decided to pull the force you used so the person you were fighting wouldn't be hurt?

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