What martial art is best for a beginner, petite female working in a risky industry?

Isnt that a effort for anyone in grappling? if someone who is heavier and/or stronger than you and taller than you gets into grappling range? At least if you do striking if you clock them with enough force on the jaw you can induce a concussion on them, so long as you can generate enough force to get said effect and hit their jaw.

I just know i think thats something some pretty decent grapples struggle with, especially if they just know enough to sufficiently defend themselves in it. Of course its not a perfect world and fighting is a struggle anyway and you can loose even if you have the upper hand and all that.

More directed at your BJJ giving the best chance to a small woman post. Obviously a trained fit female could probably whoop a unfit and untrained male. Actually i think they would, but always a chance to loose if you fight anyone its the nature of it.

Actually someone answer this question for me, is body building the most common strength athletes? I swear that type of exercising has become a hobby for a lot of people. Just more probability wise of what you would end up fighting on averages, or dealing with. Preparing for your average clientele you will deal with is probably the only thing you can do.

Anyway kind of rambly i hope i made some decent points in that.
it's a fine line, body builder may not be athletes by any reasonable definition if the word athlete, they will undoutably be fairly strong, but turning that in to athletic movement is another matter, id much sooner go up against a body builder, than a power athlete who lifts who lifts weights
Isnt that a effort for anyone in grappling? if someone who is heavier and/or stronger than you and taller than you gets into grappling range? At least if you do striking if you clock them with enough force on the jaw you can induce a concussion on them, so long as you can generate enough force to get said effect and hit their jaw.

I just know i think thats something some pretty decent grapples struggle with, especially if they just know enough to sufficiently defend themselves in it. Of course its not a perfect world and fighting is a struggle anyway and you can loose even if you have the upper hand and all that.

More directed at your BJJ giving the best chance to a small woman post. Obviously a trained fit female could probably whoop a unfit and untrained male. Actually i think they would, but always a chance to loose if you fight anyone its the nature of it.

Actually someone answer this question for me, is body building the most common strength athletes? I swear that type of exercising has become a hobby for a lot of people. Just more probability wise of what you would end up fighting on averages, or dealing with. Preparing for your average clientele you will deal with is probably the only thing you can do.

Anyway kind of rambly i hope i made some decent points in that.
it's a fine line, body builder may not be athletes by any reasonable definition if the word athlete, they will undoutably be very strong, but turning that in to athletic movement is another matter, id much sooner go up against a body builder, than a power athlete who lifts who lifts weights

That's why I train specific movements in the gym that is strictly geared towards MA. People look at me wierd in the gym. Training the muscle groups that I would use for fighting as well as specific exercises that works with speed and power.

But for the OP, I'd repeat what others had said. It takes hard work and dedication. There's no quick MA light version to get you by the seat of your pants McDogo thing that will fix a bad situation if it involves any kind of street confrontation. Some awareness can be helpful but..
That's why I train specific movements in the gym that is strictly geared towards MA. People look at me wierd in the gym. Training the muscle groups that I would use for fighting as well as specific exercises that works with speed and power.
yes your very correct, strength isnt just about the capacity if any given muscles, its about the inter co ordination of muscles in what ever movement pattern your doing,, the preferable of body builders to try and isolate muscles in an exercise, does little to build this co ordination, ,
I've seen this many times, with friends, they are massively strong, but ask them to push a heavy motorbike up a very steep hill for instance and they can't co ordinate the movements between their arm, legs and back
it's a fine line, body builder may not be athletes by any reasonable definition if the word athlete, they will undoutably be fairly strong, but turning that in to athletic movement is another matter, id much sooner go up against a body builder, than a power athlete who lifts who lifts weights

As far as i know, body builders are like the weakest strength athlete, a strongman could probably bench press you with one hand, pending how much you weight. Try fighting that, and the fact they have a thick coating of muscle so beating them should take more effort than usual. :P

They are trained to do endurance fighting over a period of time but being able to lift 3X your body weight goes a long way on its own merits. Still you cant really build a iron jaw its something you have or dont have.
As far as i know, body builders are like the weakest strength athlete, a strongman could probably bench press you with one hand, pending how much you weight. Try fighting that, and the fact they have a thick coating of muscle so beating them should take more effort than usual. :p

They are trained to do endurance fighting over a period of time but being able to lift 3X your body weight goes a long way on its own merits. Still you cant really build a iron jaw its something you have or dont have.
it's not that clearly cut, the best way of building muscle, us to forget the bro science that abounds in gyms and work all your muscles in all rep ranges, that's also the best way of building performance, that's if you tie the exercises to use the most muscles as possible in combination, but that's not largely what people do, they spend countless hours doing sets of 12 in bicept curls and shoulder presses, so they look good in a t-shirt, competition body builder on the other hand are judged on symmetry and posture, not just the size of pub muscles, so they at least have consistent development, if they also work on their all round athleticism they would be a force to be recond with its not body building that's the issues, its how they body build and what else they do our don't do, many of them have an irrational fear of cardio, just keep them moving e for 5 mins and they will gas out
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Isnt that a effort for anyone in grappling? if someone who is heavier and/or stronger than you and taller than you gets into grappling range? At least if you do striking if you clock them with enough force on the jaw you can induce a concussion on them, so long as you can generate enough force to get said effect and hit their jaw.

I just know i think thats something some pretty decent grapples struggle with, especially if they just know enough to sufficiently defend themselves in it. Of course its not a perfect world and fighting is a struggle anyway and you can loose even if you have the upper hand and all that.

More directed at your BJJ giving the best chance to a small woman post. Obviously a trained fit female could probably whoop a unfit and untrained male. Actually i think they would, but always a chance to loose if you fight anyone its the nature of it.

Actually someone answer this question for me, is body building the most common strength athletes? I swear that type of exercising has become a hobby for a lot of people. Just more probability wise of what you would end up fighting on averages, or dealing with. Preparing for your average clientele you will deal with is probably the only thing you can do.

Anyway kind of rambly i hope i made some decent points in that.
Ehh..in my experience natural attributes beat training most of the time, if the difference is significant.

We got one girl that has a 5-0 pro record, and she has finished all 5 by tko. I still easily handle her in sparring or grappling though, as old and out of shape as I am now.

But we also have an older lady that's got her Brown in BJJ, and she legit beats me in grappling more times than not.
size ( either weight or height it both) and strength don't necessarily go together, unless your big person actively trains strength or has strength job, in a ring contest you can make a reasonable assumption that not only is he or she a foot taller, 60 lbs heavier they also train strength to some extent, in the wider world that far from true

they are far more likely to just be bigger but have less strength than you, if you do train and they dont. being big with out the strength to move that weight makes you slow across the ground and to turn, how fight unfolds then us dependent on not letting them use the weight against you, if you end up on the floor pinned by their weight, your in trouble, whilst in motion you have the advantage of both speed and strengh

in myh early 20s I got into a lot of fights with people who were substantially heavier than I, nearly every one was heavier me, I was 150 lbs soaking wet, this seldom seemed to matter much, in fact being tall and supper skinny seemed to be the cause if most if these fights, people making the mistake of thinking they could push me about, particularly if they couldn't see my Bruce lee type figure under my leather jacket,

So you said all that to say what @skyeisonfire said in 9 words.:):)