what makes a good seminar great ???


Blue Belt
I`ve hosted a couple of seminars. I`ve helped promote a few and attended several. But the question is: what exactly makes a good seminar great? Please do tell of your experiences, good and bad.
Thread moved to General Martial Arts where it is better suited for this type of question.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
It depends on what each individual hopes to get out of it.
Since I started we have had Mr Planas for 6 seminars, Ed Parker Jr for 3 and Frank Trejo for 2.
Mr Planas imparts the most knowledge, and really shapes up my techniques, but, well, the guy isn't a whole lot of fun...
Ed Parker Jr's seminars have been very fun and informative.
The two seminars we have had, and the little road trip we took (from Fresno to Pasadena) to Mr Trejo's house have been, hands down the most physical and the most fun. Mr Trejo does a lot of drills with us, and when he gets tired of that, he sits us down and tells us stories of the old days, then we get back up and do more drills, when we're all done, we take him out and feed him, either to a restraunt or a BBQ at one of my fellow Green Belt's ranch. He is a lot of fun to hang out with.
When Mr Planas teaches a seminar for us, we break into two groups, the White through Green Belts first, then the Brown and Black Belts. Last spring, for some reason there were only five of us for the White through Green Belt portion. (My Sifu was less than pleased...) Mr Planas ran an absolutely awesome class for the five of us, and we all got a lot out of it.
Gee, reading back over that... uh...
Like I said, the difference between a good seminar and a great one is what each individual hopes to get out of it.
Hello, Must be fun, Seminars can be serious...but it is nice when someone can be funny or entertaining.

Having a well know martial artist is always a good thing to have. (a humbel one too).

People love it when it can get more personal (small sessions) or small group learning with several choices each hour.

Example: first hour maybe 4-10 different classes on various subjects (small group learning) , one class can be on ,Kali, one on take downs, etc.

People want to learn NEW things, and also be entertaining. (fun instructors) at the same time, for serious stuffs.

An air condition place is nice too! lots of parking, easy to get to!

Reasonable price! Seminars are a money making venture....people want to learn more, and are willing to pay good money if in return...the seminar promise what it says.

At our Seminars on the last day or end of the day we have Fun demo's.

Picture taking with the Instructors is a MUST have thing too! (willing instructors).

Lunch can be (any place to eat on your own) or you can provide "good food" for those who want to pay the additonal cost.

It is nice if you can give people at the seminar, something to take home, a small gift. (this will make you more special to go to again). Be creative in this area...something you yourself will proud to take home too.

Offering more than what you promise too! ...something special here? (invite :George Bush to speak? or his cousin? , a guest speaker? or etc (be creative)

I think the best seminars out there are small personal experiences. Where the instructor and seminar attendees can get to know each other, share experiences and learn alot. That is why I generally limit every seminar that I host to less than 10 participants. Plus we generally go out for burgers and beer afterwards.
I've been to semiars ranging from 2 poeple to nearly 300 people. Some of them great some of them not so great.

It realy depends on a mix:

- Teacher
- Amout of people
- Mix of styles
- Length of semiar
- The none semiar stuff, like sleeping faciliies, food and such
- Openess to what is taught

But I feel that a semiar is bound to be good, when the social realtionship between the participants are good. Then it's up to the teacher, then the facilities, then the recommendations.

I've been to semiars ranging from 2 poeple to nearly 300 people. Some of them great some of them not so great.

It realy depends on a mix: Teacher

The teacher is probably the MOST important factor..If he or she one of those people that is so wrapped up in his own reputation that they are unapproachable it drives a wedge between them and the participants...I was recently told about a high ranking TKD Grandmaster that is still doing seminars and is so full of himself that he will not answer questions.If you have one you approach is 2nd in command and ask IF you can ask a questions..

Amout of people

The dbl edge sword..Too many people and some in the back of the room feel left out..Too few and you don't make enough to cover your expenses..We had Instructors that came out of respect to GM Pellegrini and friendship to Father Greek and myself and we had them assist us by looking around for anyone that needed help..


Mix of styles

Yep some folks may have never seen what discipline you follow..

Length of semiar

Breaks are important and at least an hour and a half for lunch..Scheduled BEFORE the normal lunch crowds or if on Sundays the church crowds

The none semiar stuff, like sleeping faciliies, food and such

The non-seminar stuff is REALLY important..When Father Greek and I hosted our Combat Hapkido seminar we opened it by telling all just where the resturants were located and what hotels had rooms..Uncle Bobs Self storage out of Buffalo NY sent a 1/2 dozens cases of water and insulation sleeves..

Openess to what is taught

Yep..Attitudes and egos must be checked at the door

But I feel that a semiar is bound to be good, when the social realtionship between the participants are good. Then it's up to the teacher, then the facilities, then the recommendations.

If you have a decent turn out, a nice place to hold your seminar and a Grandmaster or Master that KNOWS his or her materal you will have a success..
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I`ve hosted a couple of seminars. I`ve helped promote a few and attended several. But the question is: what exactly makes a good seminar great? Please do tell of your experiences, good and bad.

The teacher, pure and simple.

I have taken seminars from folks who were very experienced in the subject matter and who were such bad teachers that I wanted to ram pencils into my ears rather than listen to another word out of their mouths.

A good teacher could do a four hour seminar on rock-paper-scissors and make it be fascinating from start to finish.
I have to agree that the instructor teaching the seminar is maybe not most but definately one of the most important factors. One of my instructors is so dynamic when he teaches that you can spend 2 hours going over 1 kata, but you don't even realize that anytime at all has gone by. Now that's talent!
The teacher is probably the MOST important factor..If he or she one of those people that is so wrapped up in his own reputation that they are unapproachable it drives a wedge between him and the participants

Ditto. There's nothing worse than an instructor who's so impressed with himself that he's above working with the students.
i like to try and pile up some core players and just have a good time. the last time, i have 2 friends that live on the same street with room to spare. carpool to the seminar, go out to eat, and train as much as we can (garage).
i`m not into the high and mighty nor the secret playing game either. i like to train with family like people. no yes sir, no sir, can i open this door for you sir.......we all put on our pants the same way.dont get me wrong, i pay respect where desirved, but i`m not a good brown-nose. i like instructors that play hard but can feel everybodies line. i guess a gathering would be a better word than seminar......

just some of my thoughts