Seminars does it


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
really help promote the school by having them or is it more of a maney making thing for both the person hosting and the one doing the seminar.
I know the benefit of doing seminar for the individual but what does the host school really get from it?
Early seminars were to let the students of the school owner or teacher of the students( a rare chance to meet & train for a day or 2 with the teachers teacher.)This fast became away to let those who know of the masters or trained with them or meet them go tho circvuts & show what they know or dont for money>Now when people like Wally Jay -Dan Inosanto-Arsenio Advicula-Started doing not only nation wide but expand to over seas.Then Teachers from all kinds came out with claim & did seminars.Some thime the pioneers plan on good ways, but others jump the band wagon & what started at $500 for a day grew to $1000- $1500 per day.When I do a seminar I try to giver the people a feeling of original traing days & lenght of time we did it per day.My seminars Have 2 - 8 hour days.Too long you say.No dont you go to work or xchool & get the full day.Hence Full perspctive of what is done.

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