what is wrong with america today...

Clint Strickland said:
Hey guess, I would like to ask what you think is wrong with todays America? Me personaly, I think that the abortion is one thing wrong with America,

Personally I think the fact that this is supposed to be a major issue says volumes about what's wrong with America.
Marginal said:
Personally I think the fact that this is supposed to be a major issue says volumes about what's wrong with America.
Well, just to play devil's advocate, if you believed it was a human life, the murder of over a million people a year might be considered 'wrong'. I guess it depends on your beliefs.
sgtmac_46 said:
Well, just to play devil's advocate, if you believed it was a human life, the murder of over a million people a year might be considered 'wrong'. I guess it depends on your beliefs.

Nobody places a higher value on the lives of the unborn. Not even the fundies.
sgtmac_46 said:
Well, just to play devil's advocate, if you believed it was a human life, the murder of over a million people a year might be considered 'wrong'. I guess it depends on your beliefs.

Everybody now ...

~ Every sperm is sacred ~
~ Every sperm is great, ~
~ If a sperm is wasted ~
~ God gets quite Irate. ~

~ Every sperm is wanted ~
~ Every sperm is good, ~
~ Every sperm is needed, ~
~ In your Neighborhood.~

Blotan Hunka said:
Whats wrong with America? People who have lived off of her yet never have anything good to say about her.
Republicans against the first amendment's a growing problem as well. Nothing worse than folks who claim to love America but hate the constitution. Seems a tad contradictory to me.
Did I say that they should be shut up? No. Say what you want I dont agree with you. Thats my right to.

Seems contradictory standing on the first amendment to trample on what I say too.
Seems contradictory standing on the first amendment to trample on what I say too.

For the record, I know very little about the United States constitution, but from what I gather, criticism is protected by the first amendment.
The 1st amendment, actually none of the "Bill of Rights" applies to web forums...unless they are run by the government. ;)
Correct, "Freedom Of Speech" etc..only apply to the government applying pressure or coercion. In a forum like this, whomever owns or runs the forum may exercise editoriial control of the content and it is not considered censorship
I take issue with certain sections of the Patriot Act, and I question the need for our nation's very own secret police whisking people away in the dead of night without the right to face their accusers or the right to a speedy trial. The possible future abuses of the Department of Homeland Security bother me.
I'm surprised I didn't read a single "No nation is perfect" while skimming each post. Because that is the truth, America ain’t perfect. No nation in the world is. America is still one of the best nations there is. What other country can a man come to with only a few dollars in his pocket, work his way up from nothing, and become something (American Dream)? My own father is an example of this;). America is the land of opportunities and while not everyone can achieve the dream most work hard can.

Probably the biggest flaw in America (in some states) is how religion has such a big grasp on the way people make decisions. Well Christianity isn't a bad religion but that whole "God said so" can really lead to the opium of the masses;).

Ok, so it is really hard to classify the whole of America mainly because it is so diverse. Remember we live a federal republic over 9.5 million square kilometers in length! That is bigger than most empires of old! So of course there are going to be very different attitudes here in California than in Texas for example.

Bottom line is that no nation is perfect, but I can find a lot more flaws with the rest of the world than our own country.
What's wrong with America is the presence of the bushes and their Ivy League mafia and the citizenry's willingness to them in office.
America is still one of the best nations there is.

How do you determine what the best is?

America is the land of opportunities and while not everyone can achieve the dream most work hard can.

Whose opportunity? Isn't the American Dream a bit of a myth, kind of like Canada's good government? How different is the United States from other industrialized nations?

Bottom line is that no nation is perfect, but I can find a lot more flaws with the rest of the world than our own country.

I can say that I'm very envious of Finland's education system and not feel the need to point out the areas where Canada supposedly has it better.
Since we are a nation of immigrants I guess that there was a reason we all left the old country.

We all could be better people individually too. Should we all start talking about how big of a looser the other one is? What does it accomplish?

Its sad that people who have the freedom to bash the country without being rounded up and shot still dislike it so much.
Blotan Hunka said:
Since we are a nation of immigrants I guess that there was a reason we all left the old country.

Yeah. We were broke. Best close the borders before more poor folk get in.

We all could be better people individually too. Should we all start talking about how big of a looser the other one is? What does it accomplish?

Its sad that people who have the freedom to bash the country without being rounded up and shot still dislike it so much.

Funny thing about self-improvement is you get nowhere if you ignore all criticism, even the constructive stuff.

Does stating "We didn't need or even want Terri's Law." mean one hates America? Well, yes, but only to the haters of the constitution. Who by extension, hate America since they hate the guiding principles and laws that have held the nation together for the bulk of the nation's history.

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