I have heard this before, I wouldn't say people don't give a rats *** but you may be right when speaking of the politicians. When France made a terrorist bombing in 1985 in New Zealand America said and did nothing. If you want to look it up type in Rainbow warrior bombing on Google.(of course France bombed a nuclear testing protest ship-so you may think it was a legitimate target-except that we weren't at war) I am not saying that America necessarily should have done anything, but it seems that it decides that the time to act on terroism is only after terrorism has been committed in it's own country(and by another, it didn't bomb itself after Oklahoma). For the record Powell stated New Zealand did punch above its weight in the war in here we have a case of NZ sending its people into harms way for an act committed against America when America had not done so for us, I am glad we just smarts a bit hearing the line we are the only ones doing anything and no one else would have, I hope you are not one of the Americans who thinks it was America that single handedly won WW2.
Bringing me to my point, for the most part the politicians act in the way they think will keep them most popular while not completely sinking their country. Why Bush went into Iraq is still beyond me, I wouldn't be surprised if partly it was because Saddam tried to kill his dad.
Hunting down and ferreting out all these terrorist cells is, I believe, a worthwhile thing. However this war in Iraq is illegal (and perhaps worse seemingly mostly inneffective), ie the grounds cited to start it were that it was a threat to America. Then it kinda changed to we the American people are providing a humanitarian service and liberating the people of Iraq from the cruel Saddam in tandem with the fact that terrorists may be gaining support there. I still say it is rubbish, most of the terrorists on the attack were Saudi, and while the war may have killed a few potential terrorists for the most part it has been a waste of life, certainly a waste of Americas money and to a much lesser degree a waste of all the countries money that participated. I have very little doubt that with the warning America gave Saddam as many terrorists as were able left the country. Since then thousands have been killed and I wonder how many were actually part of the Taliban.
I personally admire men who have to go to war and accomplish what they do, what I will not admire is the reason that America placed them there. There are a few people getting rich off this war (a big point IMO)and when it is over and America has left, most likely leaving the country in a position where peace keepers are required if recent conflicts are anything to go by(I have friends in Canada and NZ who still doing that job in a few places), there will have been thousands of deaths, millions spent, the threat of terrorism will still be there, and the guys who own stock in all the weapons companies in America will be a lot better off. Who is America to go into a country on a humans rights mission anyway? Where will it stop? This line of thinking heads towards freedom and liberty for all(fine print: who think and act like we do). If America can start a war to free Iraq and thats the only justification it requires then I can see much worse happening in future.
Just my thinking.