What Is Too Much/Too Little?


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I've read all of the recent threads regarding how much force you'd use on your attacker, can you bring yourself to hate your attacker, with great interest. I think that many great points have been made. :)

One thing that I was thinking about today, was, exactly what is too much and too little? I mean, we could have 10 people lined up. Each person could be asked if an elbow to the face and a kick to the groin is too much force, and I'd be willing to bet that we may get varying replies. It doesnt have to be those 2 things either, it could be anything...anything that we'd do in a SD situation.

So, while we all sit here and say that we'd do A and B, but not C and D because those things wouldn't look good in the eyes of the law, how do we really know again, what is too much and too little?

Too little, is if they get up, too much, is if it looks like you were the attacker. Lets face it, there is a lot of gray area in self defense. A lot has to do with the frame of mind of the aggressor. The worse thing in their life could have just happened, and you could only just bump into them, by accident, and they unload on you. Sometimes the most innocent thing on your part could be disastrous. I have talked my way out of more situations then I can count, kept my cool as much as possible, been totally aware of everything around me. I feel that with all this effort put forth, you can safely conclude that what ever situation you find yourself in, is unavoidable, and calls for a 100% retaliatory response on your part. That is the gauge I use.
Once you have established, in a nanosecond, that there is fear of death or permenant bodily harm, you go with what is ready. As seasoned stated, to little=the guy keeps on coming and to much=is for a jury of the law to decide.

To little seems kinda obvious and to much is when the attack has been stopped and YOU keep on going.
Too little, is if they get up, too much, is if it looks like you were the attacker. Lets face it, there is a lot of gray area in self defense. A lot has to do with the frame of mind of the aggressor. The worse thing in their life could have just happened, and you could only just bump into them, by accident, and they unload on you. Sometimes the most innocent thing on your part could be disastrous. I have talked my way out of more situations then I can count, kept my cool as much as possible, been totally aware of everything around me. I feel that with all this effort put forth, you can safely conclude that what ever situation you find yourself in, is unavoidable, and calls for a 100% retaliatory response on your part. That is the gauge I use.
That's about it...

Too little fails to stop the aggression. Too much becomes the aggressive act. "The right" amount is somewhere in the middle, but it's not an exact line. It's a balance of everything involved; you, the ogre, the weather, the location, you-name-it.
Hello, EXcellant points from, MJS,Searcher,Seasoned,jks9199...

What is too much or too little - WILL ALWAYS DEPENDS ON THE SITUTION!

No two situtions will be the same...no two people will behave the same...

The only time when it is too much? or too little? is when the someone offer's "Ice cream" and "Cake"....ah too much? or too Little?

Same for food too! ....

Aloha, A, A, you too much? and so little time too...
Situation dictates "technique"...

Everything from verbal tactics only, all the way to immediate deadly force with no "build-up" can be the appropriate response depending on the context of the encounter.

Those that put restrictions on themselves by saying "you should always do X" and/or "I would never do Y" need a mindset overhaul.
Err well on the side of keeping yourself safe by stopping the threat...because indeed, you have no idea how much damage the person could take. Just stop when the threat seems neutralized.

People who would shoot a person for jostling them in the grocery line won't benefit from a discussion like this anyway.
To little is when you get hurt and they will be able to keep hurting you or your family. To Much is when you say kick the knee cap off and cripple some kid 14 years old who jumped out at you swinging a water balloon.

basically in my state the law is "the reasonable man doctrine." what that means is would the avridge man or woman feel that the attacker was serious enough threat and had the means to do you enough harm to justify your use of what ever force you used. if its a kid 8 with a .45 caliber pistol ( not a toy either) pointing it at you from 4 ft and saying "im going to shoot you dead"! you can use deadly force. A reasonable person would fear for their life as the child had the means and aparent intent to take your life as well as the ability to do so.

If its a male who is say 18 but weighs ohh 112 lbs soaking wet,is 5ft 4 inches tall, and unarmed and you go at say 189 are a 6'2" tall male, and he takes a drunken swing at you and you kick his knee in and then brake his arm while holding him up and brake a rib to boot on him.. you are going to jail.
I agree with Kempo Tex.

If you have to evaluate to much or to little, you've lost the encounter before it's started in my view. Put down the threat and make sure it's not a threat any longer, then go home.
In your original question, MJS, you said that you could line up 10 people and get 10 different answers - and I have to agree that it is situationally based - how much is enough, too much, too little, will depend on the situation, the attacker(s), the defender(s), the location, the relative genders of those involved, weapons (if any), friends/family to protect, innocent bystanders, - there are too many variables to be able to draw a line and say "this much and no more or less".
If you're willing to accept the consequences there is never "too much".

I'd rather go to prison forever for doing too much than be killed for doing to little, although honestly I'd prefer if neither happened.
Great replies so far! :)

As I said, this thread was sparked from some of the replies that I've seen in some of the other threads regarding use of force.

Looking at those other threads, I think that the 'what do I do' mentality comes from how your actions are going to look after the fact, to the police, in the court, etc.

IMO, I'm really not concerned what those people think, due to the fact that it was me in the situation, not them. That being said, Kenpotex made some damn good points. I'm basing my response on what is happening. Do enough to end the threat. Of course, you may start out easy, but because the threat is still there, you're going to have to up what you do.

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