What is Krav Maga like?



What is Krav Maga like in terms of combat philosophy? I understand it is a "close range" art that teaches you to strike,strike,strike and strike until there is nothing left of your attacker.
What else can you tell me?
Jeremy Bays
From the little I've seen of it, Krav Maga looks more like a self-defense system than what I would consider a martial art (in the modern sense, but that's another can o' worms).

...is what the Israeli's are working hard practicing right now with all that has been going down! LOL!

From what i have heard it's a system that is easily learned and basic so that it can be learned quickly by anyone. Diplomats are taught it a lot I think. But I might be wrong.
OK, I found a book that helped to answer my question. It is called KRAV MAGA: AGAINST AN ARMED ATTACK.

This is a great book on the techniques, ideas, and workings of the Krav Maga system. Besides, what other book teaches you defense against a Hand Grenade......."Ok class, here is a live grenade that we will be practicing defusing in 2-4 seconds". These guys don't mess around.

Jeremy Bays
Unfortunatly and fortunatly KM is the nest big thing for many people. That means lots of exposure. It also means lots of crap get taught.

When instuctors can get certified in a weekend to teach I kinda worry. But for the most part I think those that want it will go looking for good stuff eventually. Then those who are there to look good will find another "new fad."
Krav Maga is a SIMPLE martial art. The is the glory of the concept.
If you have 2-3 years of training in another "hard" style martial art, then you can get a great background in Krav Maga in about 2-3 weekends.

Krav Maga places emphasis on the Gross Body movements. These are the movements that you will remember in an actual confrontation.

Jeremy Bays
Rumour has it that in the next flick to star Jennifer Lopez she will be a hottie on a mission. She will learn Krav Maga to avenge something or other. I'm sure she'll do it scantily clad while she is doing it...all sweaty...big ole butt hanging out....low cut top...oh man...I have to go see what my wife is doing. Later!:D
Jennifer Lopez can do what she would like but she can beat me to the ground.:D :cool:
the last time i was here no one could take a joke, but you want to know what
KRAV MAGA is like well you see he sat next to me in math in high school and was very smart,
hahahahahaa! That was funny! Krav Maga is simple and very easy to execute. Most can get their instructors certification very easily. Dont get me wrong, its very effective and is easy for beginners to pick up on and for the experinced its a little few extra moves here and there.
A student of mine is a Krav Maga certified instructor. From what I've observed and learned from her and some deep research, it is now Muay Thai (lite) combined with WW2 American Jiu-jitsu as practiced in the U.S. Army during that time period. Many Krav Maga proponents claim a little differently, but I'm not bound to their self-written history. The Muay Thai is a recent addtion (during the late 80's, early 90's), and before focused on Western Boxing with the jiu-jitsu. Trained properly it is a good, basic art and would serve many folks well.

It is a military style art made famous by the Moussad, good marketing and the movies. Nothing wrong with it if you like it and have a good instructor.
whats good on tv tonight? all this talk about krav maga, you know now that i think of it i think he was a singer, yo mon:idunno:
i watched a documentary on some german channel where they showed the head of police teaching Wing Chun, and then they showed some KM.. they did not look a bit different to me!
im sure they shouldnt look the same..
mantis said:
i watched a documentary on some german channel where they showed the head of police teaching Wing Chun, and then they showed some KM.. they did not look a bit different to me!
im sure they shouldnt look the same..
I always thought KM looked a lot like PFS
AdrenalineJunky said:
I always thought KM looked a lot like PFS
what's PFS again?
nice icon you got there!
im sitting here watching what's going on there!
AdrenalineJunky said:
Paul Vunak's Progressive Fighting Systems (http://www.fighting.net/ ) I believe he's an Inosanto student.
oh that guy
that guy is Wing Chun fighter tho, isnt he?
i have a video of him
and yes, this is another reason why i was saying KM looks like WC
Good question; I always thought he was Jun fan (?) JKD. . . I really know very little about Vunak. The little bit of PFS I did seemed like disarmament and armed fighting. . .eh, just without the weapons. lol
Krav Maga also has a lot of finer movements that can't just be picked up. And you can't learn Krav Maga over the course of two weekends, sorry.

I don't know who's propagating BJJ under the name of Krav Maga, but Krav Maga HAS NO GRAPPLING! He takes you to the ground? Gouge eyes, bite, spit, punch, pull hair... no wristlocks, armbars or pins.