What is a "Martial Artist"?

A martial artist is one who studies a martial art, that is, a system of techniques designed for close-quarters combat. This excludes barrom brawlers.

The honor aspect is important to me, but it isn't part of the basic definition in my mind.
BlackCatBonz said:
i think a lot of the chubby martial "artists" on this board, myself included, would take offense to the statement that we lack character and physical conditioning.

ive seen so-called overweight martial artists out perform and outlast other "athletes" in workouts and on the dojo floor.
My apologies, no offense was intended. I was speaking to a lack of character evidenced by his bullying behavior, not his physical weight. Chubby doesn't imply out of shape either, as doctors are now saying. I think Bob was trying to characterize this guy as someone who was a bully, morally deficient and didn't work out regularly - yet knew how to fight. I don't think any of this applies to you.

- quick edit: I mean any of the morally deficient, out of shape stuff, not the knows how to fight. Foot goes in mouth, again. LOL.

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