drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
It doesn’t? Well if I don’t understand the use, then how can it be useful? Maybe I misunderstand your meaning here. It’s a tool. Maybe there are other tools for similar purpose. Maybe some of those tools work better for some people. Objectively speaking, there have been a lot of skilled martial artists that used kata in addition to other tools to train. Some of them are likely to say that kata was useful to them. Since so many styles from so many places have produced skilled martial artists independently from one another using similar training tools, I would start by saying it must do something for some people. Remember, even placebo can be quite efficacious. Application of logic to perception is tricky. Belief can be very powerful, regardless of how science gets applied to it.
Ok. So we can link cause to effect without understanding why that link occurs. Because cause and effect doesn't care about our understanding
I don't need to understand newton's laws to throw a ball in a hoop. I can just do it until it goes in the hoop.
If that link between cause and effect doesn't exist. Understanding doesn't magically make that link appear.
So if i do understand newtons laws that doesn't automatically mean i can put a ball in a hoop.
So when someone says.
"it doesn't work because you don’t understand kata" It is an empty statement. Because nobody has made a decent claim that kata does work.
And nobody will. Making a Statement and then supporting it with evidence isn't a high priority for martial artists generally.
Now this doesn't mean kata does or doesn't work. It means at this stage we don't know. And that we are not using the right tools to understand if it does or doesn't work.