What fiction book are you currently reading?

I just finished the Novel "MARKET FORCES" by Richard K Morgan:

Morgan's brutal, provocative third novel (after Altered Carbon and Broken Angels) charts the moral re-education of executive Chris Faulkner, who joins notoriously successful Shorn Associates, which specializes in "conflict investment" - financing totalitarian regimes, as well as guerrilla movements, in developing countries that are never allowed to develop. Taking his theme from such well-known critics of Western capitalism as Noam Chomsky, Susan George and Michael Moore (all listed as sources), the author presents a bleak near-future that includes continuing job loss through NAFTA, the undermining of national economies like that of China and the creation of a permanent underclass. Faulkner and other company hotshots compete in highly dangerous, often fatal car races, which reflect the ruthlessness of their corporate careers. Faulkner's auto-mechanic wife, Carla, strives to humanize him, but he will have to kill a lot of people with his car, guns and, in the penultimate bloodbath, a baseball bat before seeing the error of his ways. While some may be put off by the graphic violence and the heavy-handed polemics, most readers will find Morgan's economic extrapolation convincing and compelling.

Honestly, I thought it was a great book, BUT I did not enjoy it quite as much as his First Two novels, (Altered Carbon and Broken Angels) which were hard core cyberpunk, and less politics...
Just finished "The Enemy" and "Persuader" by Lee Child. Good in an action thriller sort of way, however it doesn't hold a candle to Eisler's John Rain series so I'm a bit disappointed.

Working on Parke Godwin's "Tower of Beowulf" which is a retelling of the Beowuld/Grendel story, very well done as is all his works. I also reread "Firelord" by him as well, probably one of my favorite Arthurian stories.

I have been struggling with "Eragon" for about 2 months now, and officially put it in the used-books-to-sell pile after Chapter 20, where Luke, I mean Eragon has become a master swordsman after 3-4 months of training. I curse my brother-in-law for trying to get me started on that waste of paper.

I am also reading "London" by Edward Rutherford, which is fictional stories set in different periods of the city's history. So far it has been pretty good.

I just finished up Mists of Dawn by Chad Oliver. Quite good! It's out of print, but I'd encourage picking it up from the library if you get the chance. About time travel, but more from an anthropological perspective rather than physics. quite good!

I'm currently reading Adrift in a Boneyard by Robert Lewis Taylor. Its starting a bit slow, but it was one of my dad's favorites when he was a kid, so I'm looking forward to getting through it :)
I'm currently reading Adrift in a Boneyard by Robert Lewis Taylor. Its starting a bit slow, but it was one of my dad's favorites when he was a kid, so I'm looking forward to getting through it :)
That was one of the weirdest books I've ever read. The difficult thing is I think it was satire, but I'm not familiar enough with the era to know for sure if its purely political in nature! Also, there were alot of pop culture references I was clueless about since it was written in the 50's. Still, an entertaining read :) Very very odd.

I'm on to Babylon Rising now by Tim LaHaye et al.
I just finished "Peter and the Starcatchers" by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson and am now starting the sequel.

I know it is Dave Barry, but the books are seriously written, even though the subject matter could have been turned into something silly. They are about the origin of Peter Pan, Captain Hook (formerly Black Stache), and other related characters.
Just think, why is Peter "immortal?" How can he fly? Where did Hook's hand go? Where did the mermaids come from?
I highly highly recommend these books.

The Power and the Glory -- Graham Greene.. I picked this up for next to nothing at an old sort of dusty secondhand bookshop and it reminded me of school. I loved this at school but never truly appreciated it properly..Do we ever? Phenomenal scene-setting.. SO claustrophobic.. Yr most obdt hmble srvt, Jenna
This Present Darkness, Frank Peretti. I've gone through about all of his adult books this past year... great author :)
Kurt Vonnegut's Bluebeard: A Novel

It was a toss-up at the library between that and Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes.
OK, I'll admit I'm a geek who loves the old classic authors. Right now I am re-reading Dostoevsky's "Notes from Underground." He is in my personal top 5 for favorite authors, actually 3 of my top 5 are Russian Authors, and I tend to go back to their books time and time again every few years.
The Killing Floor by Lee Child - pretty much a popcorn thriller, just trying to tide me over until the next Eisler book comes out.

The Afgan Campaign by Steven Pressfield - not on the level of Gates of Fire, but better than Tides of War.

Working on The Fortune of War by Patrick O'Brian and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
OK, I'll admit I'm a geek who loves the old classic authors. Right now I am re-reading Dostoevsky's "Notes from Underground." He is in my personal top 5 for favorite authors, actually 3 of my top 5 are Russian Authors, and I tend to go back to their books time and time again every few years.
Hey Scott :) I think the classic authors still do offer us much more than most of the repetitive and plagiarist modern authors.. are you an adorer of Anna Karenina by any chance? One of my all time favourites :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Hey Scott :) I think the classic authors still do offer us much more than most of the repetitive and plagiarist modern authors.. are you an adorer of Anna Karenina by any chance? One of my all time favourites :)
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

Jenna, it also is one of my favorites.

If you want an interesting read sometime, read both Anna Karenina and War and Peace at the same time. Both books are set about the same time in Russian history, but told from 2 vastly different perspectives. One right after the other works also, but due to my ADD tendencies it keeps things more interesting to compare the two at the same time.
Jenna, it also is one of my favorites.

If you want an interesting read sometime, read both Anna Karenina and War and Peace at the same time. Both books are set about the same time in Russian history, but told from 2 vastly different perspectives. One right after the other works also, but due to my ADD tendencies it keeps things more interesting to compare the two at the same time.
Anna K and W&P AT THE SAME TIME?? Now that IS impressive!! Man.. But yes I often think it sounds like a romantic and yet difficult era.. and but then the celebrated writers seldom came from the proletariat classes so I daresay we do not always get into the nitty gritty of how life would have been for the likes of you or I in those days.. Anyways apologies if I have taken up too much space in this here thread already :)

Are you a chess player also I wonder? :) Sorry.. I am nosey..

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,

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