Just finished The Cobweb by Neal Stephenson and J. Frederick George - Ok, but blander and not as interesting as Stephenson's solo works that I have read.
Reqeium for an Assassin by Barry Eisler - Good book, it may be the newness is wearing off, but this one didn't grab me like the earlier Rain books. Great psychology work though, I really like the real world based looks at confrontation mentality and torture resistance.
A Meeting at Corvallis by SM Stirling - I'm a sucker for a good apocalypse tale, and one that thrusts a modern civilization back to the iron age works for me. I preferred the first tale in the series to the latter two, but they certainly qualify as good popcorn reading.
Finally finished Deathbird Stories which I started a year or more ago, Ellison just isn't an author who makes you want to slam through his works. Best savored slowly.
Reqeium for an Assassin by Barry Eisler - Good book, it may be the newness is wearing off, but this one didn't grab me like the earlier Rain books. Great psychology work though, I really like the real world based looks at confrontation mentality and torture resistance.
A Meeting at Corvallis by SM Stirling - I'm a sucker for a good apocalypse tale, and one that thrusts a modern civilization back to the iron age works for me. I preferred the first tale in the series to the latter two, but they certainly qualify as good popcorn reading.
Finally finished Deathbird Stories which I started a year or more ago, Ellison just isn't an author who makes you want to slam through his works. Best savored slowly.