What fiction book are you currently reading?

Hustling the East .. Tom Bradley

I have NEVER in my life experienced writing like this and the images of Japan and Japanese culture that I have now in my mind are kaleidoscopic with colour and I would recommend this phenomenal and hugely underrated American author to anyone who enjoys an author who KNOWS how to use language WAY beyond all the normal conventions.. and I know it has become quite expensive and a rarity but I got mine second hand and I promise you will be impressed

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
For some reason I'm reading about 4 books simultaneously:

Agent of Vega by James H. Schmitz
The Once and Future King by T.H. White
All the Rage by F. Paul Wilson
Bolos! by David Weber
Brother John said:
"Angels & Demons"
By Dan Brown (also wrote "The Davinci Code"...which I plan on reading soon)

An excellent, EXCELLENT Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Couldn't recomend it more!

Just read it.

Your Brother

Reading this one now. Fantastic book so far.
I'm reading Sellevision by Augusten Burroughs. I read Running with Scissors and got hooked on the author. I have since read Dry and just started Sellevision. I do have The DaVinci Code waiting to be read but I got side-tracked by Burroughs. I'll have to check out Deception Point too it sounds like.
I need to get back to Albert Camus' The First Man. I set it down for a while when I was reading Moby Dick and never got back to it...
Kreth said:
I need to get back to Albert Camus' The First Man. I set it down for a while when I was reading Moby Dick and never got back to it...

Read le estrange. interesting read.

currently starting Monster by Perretti.
Metaconcert. Book two of Intervention by Julian May.

It is not quite as god as his Pliocene Exile saga. And it seems to me that there is a bit of difference between the realities of the two series even though they have the same charecters and universe. Maybe it will be resolved by books end.
Just finished Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse and started Kurt Vonnegut's Timequake.

I read Siddhartha. Was interesting. Go pick up Slaughter House 5. Really awesome! Let me know how Timequake is. I enjoyed SH5.

I just finished up Frank Peretti's Visitation. I saw it on Showtime while I was in the middle of reading it! The movie was decent, but I still think the book was better..

I've moved on to The Rising, one of the prequels to Left Behind series.
I'm working on Rapture, the last in the prequels for the Left Behind series by Lahaye and Jenkins.

I got some neat books for Christmas, so I'm looking forward to reading those :)

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