What do you think of Jake Mace?

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I don't think Jake Mace is a fraud....he is a MA instructor and probably thinks this techniques will work.....I just don't care for what he teaches as self defense.

Uppercuts using the back of your wrist? Women with little to no training "dead legging" would be rapists with a roundhouse kick to the leg? or Muay Thai clinch would be rapists?

Just for you

However; it would be effective against a cross, a "cross" also referred to as a "straight" being thrown in a straight line and parried into the elbow.
Yes the technique would work against this type of punch that you are describing.

Haymakers for me would be punches that are wider than what Jake threw they are almost circular. So you would be correct with how we are defining where a cross ends and a haymaker begins.

Anything coming straight down the line as you describe would be easy pickings for someone who practices the techniques. Jake mentioned that hand covers the punch as the elbow strikes the fist. In the video it was a left hand cover and right elbow strike. When I teach the technique I explain it as one hand guides the punch to the elbow. We naturally can touch our elbows with the opposite hand with our eyes closed. In sparring and fighting I'm using one hand to redirect and guide the punch to my elbow.

It's definitely a dangerous technique even when done at a slow pace. I ban this technique in sparring. I only allow students to use elbow strikes against kicks but not against punches. It's just too easy to damage the hand if the technique lands.
Just for you

Very interesting. Just looking at that second video, I'm a little bit confused by the stance they are using for sparring, which looks to me almost like a JKD stance....but not. Also the way they are setting up the side kicks seems very weird to me. Skip to 38:40 for the actual sparring (sort of).
Very interesting. Just looking at that second video, I'm a little bit confused by the stance they are using for sparring, which looks to me almost like a JKD stance....but not. Also the way they are setting up the side kicks seems very weird to me. Skip to 38:40 for the actual sparring (sort of).
I thought it would be good to show him teaching others. Now people can come to their own conclusion. The way people teach speaks volumes to how much they actually understand about the system they train in.
There is a post somewhere here on MT, that I am not going to look for, that was made by Clfsean. He posted the history of Jake Mace and the training he received and why he separated from that group. I was part of that thread, but I cannot remember the title. So if anyone is that interested it is on here somewhere.

I searched it & came across this topic:

"UFC proves KF useless"

Pg. 16 - where they talk extensively about Jake Mace's teacher (via Youtube videos & such).
Whatever that is supposed to mean in whatever backwoods regional slang you are using, it's lost on me. A banker is someone that works at a bank?
Put your index fingers in the corners of your mouth and pull them apart whilst saying 'banker' and you will figure it out.
We use specialized large padded gloves with finger holes when we spar. That way we can train destructions and can still grab
I would like to see what those gloves look like if you have one. It may be something that students can use.
I thought it would be good to show him teaching others. Now people can come to their own conclusion. The way people teach speaks volumes to how much they actually understand about the system they train in.

I agree, and I also think we need to differentiate between a good/bad teacher and a good/bad martial artist. You could be a champion MMA fighter but that doesn't mean you can teach for squat. Similarly, you could be a fantastic teacher and yet have very knowledge to teach with. After seeing Jake teaching properly now, I would say he is a good teacher. Not the best but certainly not bad. He is very clear in his approach, knowing exactly what he expects from his students and has a good idea of how the session is going to run. He gives instant feedback and corrects mistakes as they come up rather than ignoring them. He also has a lot of energy and gets involved with his students, rather than just sitting back shouting orders at them. If I really wanted to criticise his teaching I would say that sometimes he gets a bit too involved with the exercises which means he cannot fully observe his students to make sure they are doing it properly. The horse stance is a prime example where he did the stance with his students and couldn't see one of his students leaning forwards in the stance, something I'm sure he would have corrected if he had seen it.

So overall, I think Jake is a good teacher, it's just a matter of whether people think that the material of his teaching is up to scratch. Having very limited knowledge of the martial arts he does I can't really comment on that, and it's up for debate either way.
That is why, actually
And your chosen method of learning is to disagree with everyone who tries to educate you. That's certainly a novel, if somewhat fundamentally flawed, approach.

As for you asking why I'm here..well lol. Didn't you make an epic expletive filled I QUIT thread a couple months back?

No, it was an epic expletive filled post, not an epic expletive filled thread. Thanks for thinking it was epic though even though you are one of the mentally subnormal fuktards that has contributed significantly to destroying what was once the best MA forum by a country mile.

I also wrote an epic expletive filled blog post explaning why I am back, but of course you wouldn't bother to read that first would you, as that would require time and effort on your part to lovely educate yourself about a subject before posting. Where as it takes much more less effort to continue to post from a position of ignorance.
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