Defense Against Mace

I had a long discussion with the head campus police officer back when we taught at a local university. He said that when he was a street cop there were lots of times when he came home and the first words out of his wife's mouth were "Take off your clothes!"

Naturally, that did his ego some good until she said "You got pepper spray on you again."

The last time I got sprayed I took off the boots, duty belt and vest and got into the cold shower fully clothed..

The really telling one was during a demonstration by a pompous self-important cop. He was pushing OC as a dandy defense against rape, robbery and violent assault. He also makes a lot of money doing training courses on the stuff.

Some guys DO believe that is is a cure all...

I asked if he would use pepper spray if someone were trying to do that to him. Of course not, he said. He'd use a gun and went on about how only "highly trained police officers" should carry guns and the wonders of S-patterns and spray-and-retreat with the spray. Strangely enough he turned down my (private) offer of a fair test. He could use any kind of OC and only OC. I got a wooden knife. Two bucks a cut. Ten bucks a stab. No more than a thousand bucks.

"Only highly trained officers???" Give me a friggin break...Most of the OC groupies will not accept a challenge..Personally I would have loved to have seen that contest....If someone ever takes you up RECORD it and send me a copy...

That was about the time I stopped listening to any public advice a police officer gives on self protection. I still take careful notes about what they say in private after a couple beers because that's usually really good stuff.

Its jerks like that that make my job of teaching tough..Oh yes, you can learn a lot about someone by how they ramble on when in their cups..
I remember one time my Sidai was sprayed with mace by police... So they tried to rough him up. But when they spread him he just shook it off...It could be because of his anger an not so much conditioning...

When you experience something like that, I've found that you either totally collapse and give up, or get really, really pissed off!

If you're getting mugged with mace, I suggest you get as pissed as possible. Focus your anger, and you might be able to endure long enough to, as Tellner said, "fight through it". In fact, you might find you are unusually focused.
i am glad you brought it back on track...

Well are there any military men or women who has undergone training to build up a tolerance for Mace?

I know of no such program to develop a "tolerance for Mace". However, it is a requirement for Army and Marine recruits (don't know if this is true for the other services) to be exposed to CS gas in a contained environment. The purpose of the exercise is not to develop a tolerance, but to give the recruits experience in donning and clearing a gas mask while under the effects of a tearing agent.
I know of no such program to develop a "tolerance for Mace". However, it is a requirement for Army and Marine recruits (don't know if this is true for the other services) to be exposed to CS gas in a contained environment. The purpose of the exercise is not to develop a tolerance, but to give the recruits experience in donning and clearing a gas mask while under the effects of a tearing agent.

All our forces do that way and great fun it is too.....not!
Actually about eight years ago I saw a show on the learning channel or TLC where some type of Armed forces trained immunity for pepper spray and was crazy....totally insane...

I know of no such program to develop a "tolerance for Mace". However, it is a requirement for Army and Marine recruits (don't know if this is true for the other services) to be exposed to CS gas in a contained environment. The purpose of the exercise is not to develop a tolerance, but to give the recruits experience in donning and clearing a gas mask while under the effects of a tearing agent.
Actually about eight years ago I saw a show on the learning channel or TLC where some type of Armed forces trained immunity for pepper spray and was crazy....totally insane...

Oh well, if it was on some show on the learning channel or TLC about eight years ago then I stand corrected.
Another thing to consider is that part of the body's reaction to OC is to dump adrenaline. If he doesn't fall down, then congratulatiohns. Mugger has just become Super Mugger for the next few minutes :(
Oh well, if it was on some show on the learning channel or TLC about eight years ago then I stand corrected.


That is exactly what I thought.As CoryKS said, they go in the gas chamber...and it is an experience. I never even seen mace, nor was it even really brought up in my army tour, back in the early 90's.
There is a huge difference between Mace and Pepper Spray (OC)..When I was a bouncer the owner carried a can of police issue mace and if there was a free for all on the floor he would spray the whole crowd..I remember that crap burned upon contact with the skin...We finally hid it from him...
Yea I remember my cousin sprayed some mace in the house one time...It burned my my eyes,face and forehead...Its like having some Tabasco sauce or Cajan Pepper firing up your skin...

But the question is if one gets enough exposure to pepper spray can become immune like someone who eats alot of spicy foods? Can take the cayan pepper
There is a huge difference between Mace and Pepper Spray (OC)..When I was a bouncer the owner carried a can of police issue mace and if there was a free for all on the floor he would spray the whole crowd..I remember that crap burned upon contact with the skin...We finally hid it from him...
OK I was confused there for a minute and I just had to see what you were trying to do here.
I will admit my first thoughts were of these


And my second thought was this

Now I see what you are talking about
Sorry for the interruption

I think two maces would go well with WC???

You can use the Mace like short swords.

OK I was confused there for a minute and I just had to see what you were trying to do here.
I will admit my first thoughts were of these


And my second thought was this

Now I see what you are talking about
Sorry for the interruption

Eru Ilúvatar;1110019 said:
Great post. I agree. Was Kevin Chan that instructor? He sounds like a very cool, down to earth type of guy. Does he do any seminars outside England? Preferably in the southern central Europe :)

He was indeed. He is an extremely interesting and funny guy. Very wise but very tough. The other night we were doing some things in lok sao. One of our instructors who has been training for 12 years tried to block his palm strike, but because Kevin Chan (Sifu) was so relaxed the guy couldn't do it even though he knew it was coming
He kept doing it. Eventually the instructor managed to block it and Sifu just folded round and still got him!
The man is not mortal....

I don't think he does seminars in Europe (apart from the UK) but is always happy for people to stop by and watch his classes

What I like most about him is that if a student says that he doesn't think the move will work, Sifu willl go through it and show that it does, at whatever pace is necessary. There are no 'unrealistic' techniques, just common sense, fun and interesting moves

Going back to mace - it is pointless to build a resistance to it, because you would have to start doing that for every poison in the world. And like I said, many muggers in the UK prefer to use acid or a strong liquid detergent/bleach to spray people in the eyes

The only thing you can do (which has been suggested previously on this topic) is just to keep an eye on your opponents hands and don't let him go for his pockets

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