Senior Master
in my state, you are not on duty and responding to a call and my business says no weapons.. you go to jail! cop or not!!For civilians... It's an individual answer. What's the person willing to deal with? Carrying a gun requires some clothing planning, and can become a challenge, even if you have a CCW, since there are places you can't go, and things you can't do while carrying. I have the ultimate CCW, my badge & creds, which pretty much let me ignore "no gun" signs, even off duty. Worst case, I'll leave. But a civilian can't carry in a number of places that I can; they only recently changed the laws in Virginia to allow carrying a concealed firearm (with CCW, of course) in any establishment that serves alcohol, for example. Didn't matter if you drank or not. Looking at other things -- options that work fine for my wife may not be acceptable for someone else. The few universal items I suggest are cell phones, and flashlights. And -- honestly, the flashlight is discretionary, too. If I'm working with someone on how to defend themselves, I'm going to assess what they're willing and able to carry, and employ, and work from there, rather than hand them a cookie cutter shopping list.
The reality is that tools aren't going to make you safe. They're there for when things get totally fubar because you should have avoided the situation as much as possible. I could carry enough crap that I clink as bad as I do on duty. And I might be tempted to get into a stupid situation or go somewhere I shouldn't. Lot of people already said it, as I recall this thread: the best weapon for self defense is knowledge coupled with simply staying out of places where violence is likely.
but it does have to be posted. but off duty you may not enter a place with no weapons sign armed... exception is court house and hospital.. other wise its a serious no no