What do you cover in class


Blue Belt
This was being touched on a little in a thread Manny has going and some one commented that it could be it's own thread. So I figured I'd start one. What all do you cover?

Here's how ours go we have 10 minutes or so of jumping jacks, jogging, maybe a few push-ups/sit-ups and then stretching. At each belt level we have "10 basic motions" to know. They are hand techs with white belt being down block, middle block, outer block, high block, straight punch with each hand (so really 5 motions X 2). We start with the white belt and move through each one as a group with each person stopping when they get to theirs. If it's an all belt class this can leave the white belts idle for a while so usually an instructor/black belt will go run the white/yellow belts through theirs a few times and provide pointers. We then move on to our forms which are done the same way. Then we do our kicking patterns the same way. 90% of our classes all start like this. When all this is over we have about 15 minutes left. This time varies greatly from class to class. Some times it's one step/self defense, sometimes it's kicking/punching drills with the pads, sometimes it's sparring (sometimes light contact with no gear, sometimes put on the gear and go at it). If class wraps up and the instructor realizes there's still a few minutes left (or maybe he does it on purpose) it's more push ups, sit ups, or plyometric exercises.
We generally get to class about a half hour before it starts and have a real good stretch while the instructor mingles and has a chat with everyone to see how they are going and check on injuries etc. When the class starts we do about a 10 minute warm up usually followed by some technique work, whether it be breaking down a part of a form, hand techs, a certain kick or a self defense move we work on with a partner. We will then go to the side of the room and 5th and 6th dans do their form in front of class and instructor, they then take white, yellow and blue belts down the back for some work on a kick or parts of their forms. Then 4th dan do their form then 3rd etc. as each belt level finishes form they go away with the pads and work on kicks, punches or combos until everyone has demontrated their form in front of the instructor. Then the instructor will give us a talk on a particular part of sparring he wants us to work on and we will pair up and spar swapping partners every minute or so. Then we will do a warm down and some core strength exercises. Obviously no 2 classes are the same and each night may have a totally different focus from the previous one but that was an example of a typical monday or wednesday night where I train.
Our classes are segregated by rank, most have 3 solid belts in a class. People are allowed to participate in a lower belt class, but our instructor won't cater to people who are in the wrong class. Attending a class higher than yours is generally discouraged, but my son and I have done it a couple of times. This usually results in a crash course in a technique, or more time working on our own. That said, our class structure is similar for all levels:
- we're a relatively formal school, so we start class with our student oath, led by the highest non-instructor in class
- 10 minutes of warm up (calisthenics, stretching, air kicking, punching, etc.)
- patterns - we start with the pattern that the lowest belt in the class is learning, and everyone does them together. People bow out as we move to the next belt's pattern. In our lower belt classes, there's a junior instructor to help people continue to work on their pattern during this time. In our high colored belt class, we also spend time reviewing most of the patterns (we're expected to really know them all for our 1st Dan test.)

this is where we start to shake things up. Depending on the day, class, etc. we'll work on one or more of the following:
- kicking or punching technique on the bag or pads
- self-defense
- sparring drills
- free sparring (continuous with no points kept)
- match sparring (run in tournament style, with points kept, and the match stopped for each point)
- weapons (we start nunchuks about green belt, and escrima sticks at red belt)
- board breaking
- body weight resistance training

At the close of class, everyone lines back up, any announcements are made, and we bow out.

Warm ups and then we get to work on what is planned for the day, somedays is SD, some are poomsae and other are technical. We actually have a lesson plan for every single day with no gaps of time, we are going every single minute. That is the way I schedule and like it.
basic techniques
maybe sparring
it depends a bit where you are in relation to the next test what gets preference. Or tournament.

But generally speaking, with a well thought out plan you can leave it all on the floor in 50 minutes.
Warm-ups / stretching

Basic drills (kicking, punching, blocking)

Exercises and tuls (patterns)

Sparring / free-sparring / breaking - this depends on what we've done recently, and how soon my students are testing or competing.

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