What did the "Sport" do to Taekwondo?

One thing it did was to level the playing field. In a sport, respect is earned in part through skill. Sport gives skill a higher value than it does seniority (belt level, age, etc.). It places value on what you can do more than how you're dressed--in that way it gives a reality check. What can you deliver on the mat?

True, but there are many TALENTED TKD-ers who have MUCH skill, but are not given the opportunity in this "sport" to showcase that.

Because of this, I wouldn't say the "playing field is level".

The sport, took regular competition and made it an exclusive EXPENSIVE beast that only a few can be privilaged enough to participate.

I'm not trying to say money/poor students type thing... some who have the money still may not be privilaged enough to compete or determined enough to travel or pay to compete. We all know at some events, "only the IN crowd" has a chance... I know... OFF TOPIC. sorry.
True, but there are many TALENTED TKD-ers who have MUCH skill, but are not given the opportunity in this "sport" to showcase that.

Because of this, I wouldn't say the "playing field is level".

The sport, took regular competition and made it an exclusive EXPENSIVE beast that only a few can be privilaged enough to participate.

I'm not trying to say money/poor students type thing... some who have the money still may not be privilaged enough to compete or determined enough to travel or pay to compete. We all know at some events, "only the IN crowd" has a chance... I know... OFF TOPIC. sorry.
In other words, the field is level, but the path to it is not.

Say it aint so! MMA doesn't have the answer to everything? Well snickerdoodles! First the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy are revealed to be nonexistent and now this!! At least I still have Santa Claus.


However from my own exhaustive tests I can tell you that MMA does make you a better lover! :ultracool helps you stop smoking, shuts the neighbours up and impresses little kids!

It's stress relieving, makes you fit, and is great fun! Bring a sense of humour, open your mind, leave your ego at the door and you're hunky dory!
Surely the two can coincide and should? General Choi and most of the kwan founders were educated men. Choi even wrote books, some on military intelligence to boot.

Japan's post-war constitution was written by General MacArthur... who graduated first in his class at West Point.

And of course we know the outstanding scholarship the majority of the US' Founding Fathers possessed. Jefferson and Adams were both legal scholars, and Adams was a famous courtroom lawyer.

This was a common theme at General Choi's instructor courses. He taught that we needed to develop our students as "Soldiers and scholars."
What specific time in Korean are you talking about. I don't recall any studies on how they would fight for posts.

I wouldn`t hold my breath. Half of Dan`s posts appears to be tales from some parallel reality quite different from our own. Like the time he supposedly watched Morihei Ueshiba demonstrate "mind blocks"

I wonder if the good Master could fill us in on his detailed training history, no doubt it would be extremely interesting (not to mention potentially entertaining.)
Well, just to be safe I chatted with my wife about this...her background is that she is from Korea and minored in Korean History in college. Add that with what I have read up on and all the really cool Korean history dramas I watch, neither one of us could find a time in Korean history where they fought for political position. So unless he can shoot out some factual time frames, I'm going to say that he has watched too many kung fu movies.
When making a statement of opinion related to topic such as the one above I generally ralate that to observation and experience related to 40 years in the art. It would seem these days there is less and less respect by the younger generations for any respect or value given to those who have decades of education or experience.

There is no original thought all knowledge comes from somewhere but it is interesting to see how that shared knowledge has effected ones life uniquely. Some times I will make a comment because it will create discussion so that those peopel with some specific expertise will comment and I will learn as well as others.

Getting back to the issue of Men of letters and Men of Valor or fighting ability to decide a political post. This was not my original thought but told to me face to face in quiet dicusions with my GM who at one time was the most senior 9th Dan in Nth and Sth America and like many people had his personal bias or even embelished. But on this point he seemed very serious in his belief. I appreciate those of you who gave a more factual litteral account which I am sure you are right from your information and perspective. However it does cause me to ponder why he would have had such a firm belief in his mind and I intend to ask those other GM's who knew him well why he would have held such and opinion if they even know? Regardless in his life time he accomplished enough in combat in blood and death as well as the tireless contributions to TKD as a World Olympic and Traditional art that he earned the right to his personal beliefs wtih out insulting or negative rebutal from me or anyone else.

Getting back to the issue of the Founder of Akido doing a demo of mind blocks? It would seem that is another issue entirely and has no bassis in this forum about Sport TKD but since you brought it up a last time. First the University seating at this event not counting people on the floor was 3,000. Second GM Choi never used the name of the Akido GM doing the demo we were young and we were only told he was the 10th Dan Founder. I never relayed this story to impune or insult your GM but relayed it from a 3rd person perspective it is what it is. However your insults related to my alternate reality mask your actual meaning that I am a lier. You should just man up and say that plain and simple. Lets look at the logic you say it did not happen because you were not there??

Humm? Interesting logic. So using that logic nothing is true since you were not there lets go back in time lets say history of Man I guess 1 or two things may have happend that are true when you were not there?

I have a great love of Akido, The DoJo's I have seen are to die for. I like what I have seen based on the non profit dedication to traditional MA and the community and thier students. That said Lets stay on topic here about sport TKD you are welcome to insult me and my GM on another Forum or start one that seems to be the pattern of the Cyber warrior these days its a waste of time.
When making a statement of opinion related to topic such as the one above I generally ralate that to observation and experience related to 40 years in the art. It would seem these days there is less and less respect by the younger generations for any respect or value given to those who have decades of education or experience.

Perhaps you should have taken a moment of those 40 years to check some of your facts, venerable Master.

But go on posting, you are the most entertaining person here by far. :bangahead:
This was not my original thought but told to me face to face in quiet dicusions with my GM who at one time was the most senior 9th Dan in Nth and Sth America and like many people had his personal bias or even embelished. But on this point he seemed very serious in his belief.

Please advise who this was / is? GM Lee? GM Son? At one time?? When did this occur? What changed did someone senior come from Korea and out rank him.
The more limiting th sport the more damage it has done to TKD.

As and if each of the following was eliminated to concentrate on the sport aspect the greater the damage to the "ART". (Not neccesarily in order of importance:)

1. No patterns
2. No Breaking
3. No Punching to the head
4. No teaching of Philosophy
5. No Techniques below the belt.
Master Dan,

Don't you owe somebody in Taekwondo some money for some equipment they help you with? Is that true?
Master Dan,

Don't you owe somebody in Taekwondo some money for some equipment they help you with? Is that true?

Again off topic for this forum. A large corporation and attorneys are dealing with that most of which could have been avoided if higher rank had not pushed me to launch in 60 days instead of 18 months as I advised them in writting also many promices were made high rank and officials for help from many sources if I just allowed the foriegn instructors to land in USA well it did not come and I got stuck for alot of cash expenses, the loss in $200,000 in assets and the loss of a consistant $100,000 income a year which to date looks like it will never or for some time return?

Don't go down the road of taking cheap shots at me about something you know nothing of just because some little boy of a man got put in his place a few years ago and has tried to think of nothing else he can do but try and defame or get even so he trys to poke and jab on the surface like he knows me or what I have done the last 16 years like an old woman with nothing better to do than gosip or make up what he dosn't know.

Even in Oakland when a representative of the University involved walked up in front of the KKW group called my name and said we are going to help you. did they call did they do anything or any of the others involved in this? hell no when the global economic crisis hit even while I was in Korea all the big talk just dried up.

The real loss here is not a few bucks not even 5% of what I have paid up front cash for any equipment I recieved or used over the years. Its the fact that a program negotiated with Senate staff, Universities, Embasies, 16 years of pilot programs and research and the supply of 150 instructors over 5 years in one entire school district that that year got over $40 million in grants alone would not step up and help out till the federal grants would take over in 9 months. I shut it down and would not allow the next transfer of instructors to be sent after spending every penny I had and thats ok the real loss is the poorest and most abused kids in this USA lost out on a program that past Governors, Senators, native corporations, health officials and little kids said saved lives. Why becuase a few greedy adults as always take thier personal politics or needs above that of kids happens all the time. After that I have to eat a **** sandwhich from people like you or others put up to it by an evil trol.

I was already working with a company on my behalf to negotate the school district to pay for the equipment and leave in place so when future grants come in the instructors can come back in but smart mouth people had to get involved and I made it clear I would not tolerate disrespect to me or other behavior so the idiot sales manager insults the company they hire by contract to work with me in writting and they are laughing because they get paid $5,000 grand cash wether they work or not and the new cowboy they hire impersonates law enforcement because he only gets paid if he collects and pissed everybody off. So now the School district is boxing every thing up for return which 80% was never used yet so how can I go to my corporate sponsors of decades and ask them to pay for it when it is being returned.

Its taken a year to step back and realize that the work completed is worthwhile and will still lay a base for future work and other projects. The supplier is being compensated and eventually will be repaid everthing but those involved who helped violated federal law in this matter are going to pay.

My GM stated that its not about wining 1st place or being wrong but all effort is good related to learning what matters you are still alive and breathing survival never stop learning. I survived a wife killed by hit and run a daughter born terminal costing $ 4million before she died suffering for 8 years 24/7 any of you think you can hurt me with little comments your dreaming. I live one more day at a time to help kids that cannot help themselves kicking me is like kicking them.
Just asking. I got an email about you and thought I would just ask directly. Thanks for the story, it should set the record straight because I was not the only one who received that mail.
Wow! Where did this come from?

Again off topic for this forum. A large corporation and attorneys are dealing with that most of which could have been avoided if higher rank had not pushed me to launch in 60 days instead of 18 months as I advised them in writting also many promices were made high rank and officials for help from many sources if I just allowed the foriegn instructors to land in USA well it did not come and I got stuck for alot of cash expenses, the loss in $200,000 in assets and the loss of a consistant $100,000 income a year which to date looks like it will never or for some time return?

Don't go down the road of taking cheap shots at me about something you know nothing of just because some little boy of a man got put in his place a few years ago and has tried to think of nothing else he can do but try and defame or get even so he trys to poke and jab on the surface like he knows me or what I have done the last 16 years like an old woman with nothing better to do than gosip or make up what he dosn't know.....
Can we please return to the OP?

Korea's alleged use of Mortal Kombat in political appointments and Ueshiba's use of mind blocks belong in their own threads in other sections.

Discussions with Master Dan about his corporate issue should be handled via pm. with him if you are looking to clarify something with him.

Can we please return to the OP?

Korea's alleged use of Mortal Kombat in political appointments and Ueshiba's use of mind blocks belong in their own threads in other sections.

Discussions with Master Dan about his corporate issue should be handled via pm. with him if you are looking to clarify something with him.


Great idea. A response to post 51 probably got sidetracked.