What Are Your favourite Movie Lines or Speeches?

From that great horror film: "The Exorcist"

Father Damien Karras: It doesn't make any sense. Why her? Why this girl?
Father Merrin: I think the point is to make us despair. To see ourselves as... animal and ugly. To make us reject the possibility that God could love us.
"You make me want to be a better man"
As good as it gets

"You don't want the truth because, deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said" thank you" and went on your way. Otherwise I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand at post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to."

A Few Good Men

"Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. I'll be right back. Don't you go dying on me!"

Dumb and Dumber
"We die" lols too funny :) So many films I had either forgotten or not even seen before wow! Man these are absolutely fantastic thank you all!! Kiss xxx Jenna

"It can't rain all the time."

From The Crow, a reaction to.......necromancy:
"I knew I knew you, I knew I knew you. But you ain't you. You can't be you. We put you through the window. There ain't no coming back. This is the really real world, there ain't no coming back. We killed you dead, there ain't no coming back! There ain't no coming back! There ain't no coming back!"
If I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you" (Code of Silence) - Chuck Norris

If you come back in here, I'm going to hit you with so many rights, you're going to beg for a left.(Invasion USA) - Chuck Norris
It's definitely not highbrow, but I always liked this exchange from Roadhouse....

One grizzled older big bouncer speaks to protagonist Dalton (Patrick Swayze) saying:

"I heard you had balls big enough to come in a dump truck, but you do't look like that much to me."

To which Dalton replies, "Opinions vary." And that's it. Love that scene.
From John Wick - The Russian mob leader talking to his son, the punk mobster.

Father "It's not what you did, son, that angers me so. It's who you did it to.
Son "Who? That f'n nobody?"
Father "That "f'n' nobody"... is John Wick. He once was an associate of ours. They call him "Baba Yaga."
Son "The Boogeyman?
Father "Well John wasn't exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the f'n Boogeyman.
Enter the Dragon:
* O’Hara holds up a board, and break it in mid air*
Bruse Lee "Bourds.....Don't hit back"

Second: Pirates of the Carribean
Boondock Saints 2: Rocco's Speech

"Men build things, then we die. It's in our f'ing DNA! That's what we do!

And when it all falls down?

We build it right back up again.

But this time bigger. BETTER!

Look! Look what we can do. Look how f'n beautiful we are. You think the men that built all this had it easy?

Hard men!

Doing hard ****!

And that gives me a hard on... But not in a gay way or anything.

No, no... 'course not

Yeah it goes without sayin'

I am so sick of this self help, twelve step, leftover hippie generation bull$#\t!

Now they don't want you to do anything, right?

Just sit there.

Don't drink.

Don't smoke.

Don't drive fast.

Kiss my ***!

F' it! Do it all I say!

Do you think Duke Wayne spent all of his time talking about his feelings with a f'ning' therapist?

There's no f'ning way he did!

John Wayne died with five pounds of undigested red meat in his a$$. Now that's a man!

Real men hide their feelings. Why?

Because it's none of your f'ing' business!

Men do not cry.

Men do not pout.

Men jack you in the f'ing' jaw and say...

"Thanks for comin' out"