What are you working on?

I'm working on kata Sanseiru and my requirements for teaching.

Oh yeah.....
JeffJ said:
Sam said:
shodan is first degree black belt.

Irimi - i think this is right - is a way of entering attack - its an aikido term
What he said. Sorry, I'll use more general terms in the future. Sometimes forget that not everyone uses the same terminology.

By the way Jeff.....Sam is short for Samantha.:uhyeah:
I'm working on being a better instructor. I'm also working on my forms; both the ones for my students & mine as well.
i'm working on dog training (Ninja training) and stick. No, not the kind the dog goes after. :) TW
Henderson said:
I'm working on kata Sanseiru and my requirements for teaching.

Oh yeah.....

By the way Jeff.....Sam is short for Samantha.:uhyeah:

Sam's a girl??!!

Anyway...I'm working on my katas, Pinan Shoden, to be specific. Developing more speed and accuracy in my side kicks and combining blocks and strikes with these big, hulking black belts I always seem to end up sparring with.
Currently working on weapon retention skills..I start teaching at the plice academy next month..
Drac said:
Currently working on weapon retention skills..I start teaching at the plice academy next month..

Whats that? Not letting someone take away your weapon?
cfr said:
Whats that? Not letting someone take away your weapon?
In a nutshell...yes. It actually covers a very broad range. One specifically that comes to my mind is the fact that if you ever notice an LEO (at least an aware one) will always stand off-angle with his holster hip back, keeping his weapon hard to reach for anyone but himself.
First thing to get back in physical shape, the other would be to be more patient in my teaching with the little ones.

Last is to build the adult class again to atleast twenty so we have atleast 8 all the time.
Henderson said:
In a nutshell...yes. It actually covers a very broad range. One specifically that comes to my mind is the fact that if you ever notice an LEO (at least an aware one) will always stand off-angle with his holster hip back, keeping his weapon hard to reach for anyone but himself.

Very true..That's one of the few things that I hope to impress upon on my charges..
At this moment, trying to clean up my basic kata. Sometimes I can feel my sword's edge alignment going off kitler, which means I need to make a self-adjustment.

I recently videotaped myself practicing in my parents' basement (by the way, practicing kneeling kata on concrete really HURTS!) It helps to be able to see what I'm actually doing.

Oh yeah...and I need to start working out in the morning again.
I'm working on getting back into everything. I took two months off (for surgery, then a knee injury). So yea, everything suffered a bit. I just got to get the motivation ..... sheesh LOL

I'd like to get my technique back to where it was, and work more on sparring (I'm a forms and technique geek. Sparring isn't my thing, but want to get better).
cfr said:
You lost me.... I dont think you mean training your dog to be a Ninja? What do you mean?

I'm training my dog, named Ninja, obedience. An obedient ninja. :)

Terry said:
Last is to build the adult class again to atleast twenty so we have atleast 8 all the time.

My kickboxing class just zeroed out with two going into surgery, one going into regular TKD, two dropping for the summer. This is not easy keeping a women's only class going, let alone all ages! TW
Pretty cool post thus far. I didnt think I'd get many replies, so thanks to all. I know my goals/ beliefs/ training methods are different than most, so this has been pretty informative. Keep 'em coming.
All things, but my forms especially need major improvement.

When sparring I always tend to drop my hands and leave myself wide open for attack and if they are alert enough to notice I get hit pretty hard (I never seem to learn though because it continues). I also need to mix it up more when attacking. I tend to use the same attack over and over and I have been told I look where I am about to kick or punch. Ugh, sometimes it seems I will never get it.

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