How do you spar someone who is faster than you?

so you'd walk into a Boxing gym, spar and if you're losing, would take the guy to the ground and spar there?
No. I'd spar following the rules of that match.
Do you not remember posting this?

would be pretty funny to all of the sudden, start grappling someone in a kickboxing class or boxing gym.
To be honest, the point of sparring is to learn to be a better fighter. As a student I would prefer to go up against people that were better than me. You will learn far more from losing than you do winning. Take your ego out of the equation and try to learn from the experience.
Pk, here are a couple of things I used to tell mu students many years ago.

First, all strikes are point A to point B. Do not. Do not be point B. Ok, how? The real question is when.

Here is something I noticed during my 35 years in martial arts. Most people have a count. If you sit back and watch your opponent spar with someone else, you can see that they have a clock running wherein they must attack. Many people are very consistent with their timing.

So let us observe that he moves on the count of 5. You move on the count of 4 1/2 and work his corners. You would be amazed at how many people will sail right past you because the command has already been sent from the brain to the body to go.

As I said before, it has more to do with when you move than where you move. You can change up your point B and be very effective.
Try observing their movement and anticipate their strikes before they actually hit you. After a while, you start noticing their habits and then you will eventually start dodging their strikes and getting more time to strike back. This helped me a lot
strategy , understand the distance and posture that triggers your opponents attack, Give targets that you intend to defend , take away other targets, This will allow you to time your counters and make you seem faster.

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