Will it be more fun to train something that you have created?

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Assume you have created the following 8 punches combo:

1. Right hook
2. Right back fist (vertical)
3. Left overhand
4. Left back fist (vertical)
5. Right overhand
6. Right back fist (horizontal)
7. Left straight punch (this can be a jab, or cross depend on your footwork).
8. Right straight punch (this can be a jab, or cross depend on your footwork).

Each punch flows smoothly from one to the next. You can train with:

- 1 step 3 punches.
- 1 step 2 punches.
- 1 step 1 punch.
- 2 steps 1 punch.
- 3 steps 1 punch.

Depending on your footwork, this can make your 8 punches combo to be trained in many different ways.

Also, by adding kick such as

- front kick,
- roundhouse kick,
- side kick,
- hook kick,
- ...

between punches, you can have many different kick/punch combos to train.

Will it be more fun to train something that you have created than just to train those TMA forms that you have learned?

What's your opinion on this?

Because we do stuff like heavy bag work. We tend to do this as normal.
I like heavy bag work too. But I can't train combo with footwork on heavy bag. The amount of movement of a heavy bag is limited.

For example, you can't train this kicking combo on heavy bag.


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