What are the top 5 most potent ways to create power? (internal or external power)

I think the answer is a two part one because it was a two part question.

'Internal' power is totally different to 'external' power. External power is dependent on muscle strength, mass, speed, timing and the ability to accelerate that mass. Internal power is assisted by mass and is very dependent on timing.

Perhaps the things in common are maintaining structure, using the mind and timing and even then use of the mind and timing are different.

As to the 5 top ways to create power.


1. Use your mass effectively.
2. Keep relaxed to maximise speed.
3. Ensure correct timing.
4. Maintain your structure.
5. Focus the mind.

(Using Tohei's four principles)
  1. Keep One Point (maintain centre)
  2. Relax Completely
  3. Keep weight underside
  4. Extend Ki (extend the mind)
and to add one to make five ...

5. Use broken timing
I think the answer is a two part one because it was a two part question.

'Internal' power is totally different to 'external' power. External power is dependent on muscle strength, mass, speed, timing and the ability to accelerate that mass. Internal power is assisted by mass and is very dependent on timing.

Perhaps the things in common are maintaining structure, using the mind and timing and even then use of the mind and timing are different.

As to the 5 top ways to create power.


1. Use your mass effectively.
2. Keep relaxed to maximise speed.
3. Ensure correct timing.
4. Maintain your structure.
5. Focus the mind.

(Using Tohei's four principles)
  1. Keep One Point (maintain centre)
  2. Relax Completely
  3. Keep weight underside
  4. Extend Ki (extend the mind)
and to add one to make five ...

5. Use broken timing

thanks for the awesome answer!

can you explain what 1 and 3 are under internal?

thanks alot mate!
thanks for the awesome answer!

can you explain what 1 and 3 are under internal?

thanks alot mate!

Let's look at 1.

'Maintain one point.' In the Eastern martial arts the Dantian (Tan Dien or Hara) has an important role. It refers to the area of the body about two inches below the navel and in the middle of your body, sort of like your centre of gravity. For those who have an interest in Chi or Ki, it is the reservoir of Chi.

Now imagine your body as a building with an external frame and a footplate On the ground within that frame. If you attach a plum bob to your COG it falls within the base produced by your feet. If it is outside that base you must step to regain your balance or you fall. Same for a building. The closer the plum bob is to the centre of the base, the more stable you are. The lower your COG the easier it is to maintain that stability.

Applying that in a martial context. I am always trying to maintain my structure while at the same time trying to destroy the structure of my opponent.

Now number 3.

'Keep weight underside'. This is a fundamental of Aikido and I'm sure the same would apply to many CMAs as well. Xue was reluctant to go further into it and I'm not going to say much more either. Suffice to say, if you try to push someone to the ground from above it is extremely difficult. They push against you to resist. That is 'weight topside' and leads to a physical clash. If you were below him you may well be able to pull him to the ground. That would be 'weight underside'. Now, when you are standing with your opponent it is easy to try to push him down physically (weight topside) but in an even match-up you will likely fail. From the same position, if you could get 'weight underside' he will most likely go down with minimum effort. How do you do that? Let me just say it takes years of training and, in my experience, most people will never be able to do it.
ok i have this sussed now

Let's look at 1.

'Maintain one point.' In the Eastern martial arts the Dantian (Tan Dien or Hara) has an important role. It refers to the area of the body about two inches below the navel and in the middle of your body, sort of like your centre of gravity. For those who have an interest in Chi or Ki, it is the reservoir of Chi.

Now imagine your body as a building with an external frame and a footplate On the ground within that frame. If you attach a plum bob to your COG it falls within the base produced by your feet. If it is outside that base you must step to regain your balance or you fall. Same for a building. The closer the plum bob is to the centre of the base, the more stable you are. The lower your COG the easier it is to maintain that stability.

Applying that in a martial context. I am always trying to maintain my structure while at the same time trying to destroy the structure of my opponent.

Now number 3.

'Keep weight underside'. This is a fundamental of Aikido and I'm sure the same would apply to many CMAs as well. Xue was reluctant to go further into it and I'm not going to say much more either. Suffice to say, if you try to push someone to the ground from above it is extremely difficult. They push against you to resist. That is 'weight topside' and leads to a physical clash. If you were below him you may well be able to pull him to the ground. That would be 'weight underside'. Now, when you are standing with your opponent it is easy to try to push him down physically (weight topside) but in an even match-up you will likely fail. From the same position, if you could get 'weight underside' he will most likely go down with minimum effort. How do you do that? Let me just say it takes years of training and, in my experience, most people will never be able to do it.

dont you just drop with gravity to pull him down from above? why does that take years its so simple?
Must be that I am a slow learner and the people I train with are even slower. ;)

Agreed :)

Also I believe you are being scammed for your money, theres no such thing as Chi, and just below the navel inside is your guts not a reservoir of chi its a reservoir of crap.

Anyway have fun with your magical powers.
Agreed :)

Also I believe you are being scammed for your money, theres no such thing as Chi, and just below the navel inside is your guts not a reservoir of chi its a reservoir of crap.

Anyway have fun with your magical powers.

Oh dear lord........Chi in MA's is not really Yellow Bamboo or other ill informed folks say.......K-Man will probably explain it better, but theres an entire thread on what Chi REALLY is and how it pertains to MA......

The only people claiming them as any sort of special power are the confused and the ill-informed...
Oh dear lord........Chi in MA's is not really Yellow Bamboo or other ill informed folks say.......K-Man will probably explain it better, but theres an entire thread on what Chi REALLY is and how it pertains to MA......

The only people claiming them as any sort of special power are the confused and the ill-informed...

Chi exists in your own language as, Char or Charge. It just means power. Chill, dude. I don't think anyone believes we derive our power, character, or charisma from the Three Charities (look it up), but some believe it is other worldly, some don't. You are still increasing your power, no matter how you slice it. :)
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Also I believe you are being scammed for your money, theres no such thing as Chi, and just below the navel inside is your guts not a reservoir of chi its a reservoir of crap.
This may demonstrate why easterners avoid teaching those of us with a western mindset. In order to understand the construct of "chi" (yes, it's a construct, like anything else once we name and define it in our terms) we need to understand how eastern cultures use language and metaphor. When an easterner says "this is that", a westerner might say "this is like that." But for the easterner, the metaphor is understood by the context. I've found, and others may agree, that east Asian languages are highly context-dependent. It wouldn't hurt to learn a little east Asian culture if you're into Asian martial arts.

We also need to understand how our body responds to our thoughts and visualizations (brain activity). For example, while it's well-known that thoughts can activate the sympathetic nervous system (fight-flight -> ulcers!), not everyone knows that meditation can activate the parasympathetic nervous system: the system that brings us back to baseline after stress and calms us down. In other words, the mind can affect the body beyond simple gross muscle contractions. K-man, if I interpret him right, is describing visualizations that lead the body to respond in certain subtle ways that can be beneficial when manipulating an opponent. I wouldn't be so quick to scoff.

(Respect to Kohei's 4 principles.)
(Apologies for generalizing east Asian culture, but I think it's appropriate in this limited context, relative to generalized western culture.)
Agreed :)

Also I believe you are being scammed for your money, theres no such thing as Chi, and just below the navel inside is your guts not a reservoir of chi its a reservoir of crap.

Anyway have fun with your magical powers.
Perhaps you'll share your basis of expertise for this statement?

You might consider a visit to the Meet & Greet, and taking a moment to introduce yourself.
I have tried to redirect the "6 core elements" thread into a "power generation" thread without much luck. May be this thread can be a good discussion of "power generation".

IMO, power generation is bottom-up and back-front. You

- bend and then straight your leg,
- twist your hip,
- rotate your body,
- extend your arm,
- make your fist, front shoulder, back shoulder in a perfect straight line, and
- punch out.

In order to be able to generate the maximum amount of power, you will need to move your body from one extreme to another extreme, your punch will travel through the maximum distance (as shown in the following clips).

If you can rotate your body with fast speed, you can also be able to generate the maximum power.

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hmm this kind of justifies clfsean and my initial concerns doesn't it....it also puts into question your answers to us at the beginning of this thread

Agreed :)

Also I believe you are being scammed for your money, theres no such thing as Chi, and just below the navel inside is your guts not a reservoir of chi its a reservoir of crap.

Anyway have fun with your magical powers.

And you have studied this where?
And you wanted everyone to act like an adult and be mature........ not setting a real good example there are you
Keep it up sonny and you might set a banning record.... I'm guessing the 27 in your profile is not exactly true either now is it


Don't much care sonny...I'm guessing your about 12 and the closest you ever got to training anything is a video on YouTube........

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