What are some good weapons to use?

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I was curious about weapons, what are the best weapons to use? I have a few in mind, kamas, escrima sticks, nunchukas, bo staff's. Just want to know if there are any other good weapons to use that I might not know about. Thanks in advance. James.
I have done some training with the bo staff. The si are also pretty good weapons and if you can learn how to use a three sectional staff then that is a good weapon
It depends on what you mean by "use"?

All the traditional weapons mentioned are great for practice. They are fun to learn, and they help heighten your awareness, coordination, and overall abilities.

However, I wouldn't carry a bo staff or Sai around.

So when you say "use" do you mean use in self defense, or have as an every day carry, or do you mean practice as in traditional weaponry?

PAUL :asian:
Once you've answered Paul's question the next question will be which one do you most connect with. I've trained with all manner of weapons but there are only certain ones that really "speak" to me. Nunchunku, kama and the chinese broadsword have all been my favorites at one time or another. It's kinda like an extension of the question "Which art is best" the answer is "Which ever one suits your wants/needs the most.
I am actually really drawn to the kamas for some reason, that or the nunchucks. But, no I'm not going to carry them around, just practice with them for say if I enter tourneys & what not.
tkdguy1982 said:
I am actually really drawn to the kamas for some reason, that or the nunchucks. But, no I'm not going to carry them around, just practice with them for say if I enter tourneys & what not.

If thats the case, look into learning 3-sectional staff or chain whip. They look pretty! Its also hard to find someone who is good with the 3-sectional staff, so this would make you unique for open tournaments.

Very very true, I will definently look into learning the 3 sectional staff. My next ? is do you know of any good videos that will help me with the staff? Any webpages? All help is appreciated.
Well, I've mostly connected with the Jahng Bahng(bo staff) and sahng jeol bahng(nunchucks). I've done a bit of self training with the katana or well my wooden bokken, but I never got any actual instruction on the sword. The bo staff is so easy to adapt to for me, maybe because I'm a hair under 6', but I think it's fun.

Nunchucks are alot of fun and easy to learn, as long as you don't hit yourself with the wooden handles...lol...ouch...that hurts...thank goodness I've never done it...lol...another thing that's funny is when you see someone who is learning nunchucks and they are the wooden kind, not the foam rubber kind and they are twirling them around and all of a sudden they go airborne and fly out of their hand...lol..WATCH OUT!!!...

I want to learn sword, sai, three sectional staff, kama, and spear...someday...lol
I'm like you.... I am interested in trying to learn with the 3 sectional staff. That or the kamas or nunchukas. I wouldn't mind doing the 3 sectional staff because you hardly ever see those.
yeah, I have alot of vid clips about the 3 sectional from P2P programs and they are nice...in the American Taekwondo Associationt(ATA)--the one I'm under--they have the 3 section staff as one of the weapons you have to learn, but that's like 3rd, 4th, or 5th degree...I can't remember...but yeah, I don't see much 3 sectional unless it's in wushu or kung fu...

The nice thing is that alot of the Students and Teachers at the ATA World Tournaments use the 3 sectional as their entry...and the same with some smaller tournaments, which is good eye candy, considering you never see it performed on TV, or anything else. Also, at the World Tournament, there are seminars where you can get certified in the 3sectional to teach as well as the kama, sword, or any Pro-tech Weapons System...
Personally, I cannot think of anything worse than fightign someone with a bo staff who knows how to use it. It is a massively underestimated weapon and its range is huge allowing you to deliver some ridiculously powerful attacks from distance. In terms of self defence, perhaps a jo is better because its a smaller staff and if you're ever likely to pick up a stick/broom handle/cane whatever to defend yourself its not going to be 6 foot long 99% of the time.

I would also highly rate throwing weapons. You need to even engage an opponent if you can throw a knife at him before he gets across the room to you. Knives also are fairly abundant sadly and so this means if you can use one you've got a serious edge is that kind of self defence situation.

my 2 pence
I agree with you, fiend. The bo Staff is my favorite weapon that I've learned so far.

Tonight I'm going to Master Club, which is held once monthly where we focus on the Bo Staff. VERY NICE!. I love the bo because there are so many uses for it and so many ways to fight with it...it's like having an extended limb.
We learn bong sul (bo) techniques at my current school, but I have to say that learning to use the bokken (wooden katana sword) was my absolute favorite.
The short stick would be mine. Each of my instructor's students usually tend to practice all weapons for their level, but specialize in one. I personally prefer the stick since it is practical, though I usually practice the double stick since I am one of the few that know the kata and because it works on my coordnation.