XMA weapons

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Two questions:

1. Does anyone have the XMA Kama's chrome weapons, if so how are they?
2. Also the XMA bo staff are they any good?

Additionally, when picking out a Bo staff what is a good rule of thumb. I am 5'7" and was debating about moving down to 5'6" staff from the 6" I used to train with.

IMHO opinion they can really be classifies as a weapons. Perhaps a batons woth shiny things on the end or long baton with sparkles

man that is some funny stuff.

any comments on the weapons though..

or kama's that i could buy that have steel blades (but not super sharp)
If I remember correctly, two of my neighbors, "Fingers" Johnson" and Stubby Moloney have been buying various weapons off the Internet and teaching themselves how to use those weapons. Apparently they intend to develop their own brand of armed MA, even if it tends to sorta whittle them down a bit at a time. :idunno:

Best Wishes,

I have no idea what is going on in these posts. Apperently, I am missing something???
Yeah in other words, don't buy a weapon unless you've been properly trained in its usage.
clfsean said:
Yeah in other words, don't buy a weapon unless you've been properly trained in its usage.

That or peopel are judging beofre they read. The original poster did or did not say whether they had any training with the kama. People just assumed lackof knowledge. The real question is whether the weapons itself is worth buying.

And many people after years of study switch Bo lengths to suit their changes in ability.

The original poster did not specify why wanted to know aboutthe weapons, they might be needed for a demo, to attract new students or possibly someone else inquired about the quality of the weapons, and the poster is inquiring on behalf of another person.

maybe people should a few more questions before they start destroying a thread.
Rob Broad said:
That or peopel are judging beofre they read. The original poster did or did not say whether they had any training with the kama. People just assumed lackof knowledge. The real question is whether the weapons itself is worth buying.
Maybe I did assume lack of knowledge. If it's perceived that way... sorry if it offends.

Rob Broad said:
And many people after years of study switch Bo lengths to suit their changes in ability.
I've never encountered any that have yet.

Rob Broad said:
The original poster did not specify why wanted to know aboutthe weapons, they might be needed for a demo, to attract new students or possibly someone else inquired about the quality of the weapons, and the poster is inquiring on behalf of another person.
Indeed true enough & my apology is extended above for possibly jumping the gun. However, by your statements, why would you demo something or try to attract students with something that TKD doesn't teach?

As far as quality goes, everything I've seen in catalogs for anything related to XMA has been priced cheaply. IMHO & experience, the cheaper the price, the cheaper the quality.

Rob Broad said:
maybe people should a few more questions before they start destroying a thread.
True true... I'll do bettter in the future...

AND... for the record I was translating the post above mine since the original poster mentioned he "must've missed something".
My post wasn't directly mentioned at you clfsean. It was just that your post seemed most blatant.

Actually some TKD schools do teach weapons especially some of the school that are pre- WTF. Some schools have also added weapons to suppliment their training.
Yes, I have about 20 years of martial arts Taekwondo training and have taught for many. We are beginning to train in Kama's so I am looking for a good training set that also is someone usuable for tournament use. I have been training for a few months now on that weapon.

As far as the Bo goes, I trainined about 10 years ago and was pretty well trained on it. I was inquiring to the length that most people use as I was considering trying a new length.

For all the posts here I will assume the XMA Kama's will be good enough to train with for a while.

Rob it's cool...

Back in my TKD days in the 80's & early 90's, weapons were unheard of. When I wanted to learn weapons, I went to a Japanese dojo that also taught kobudo (bo/sai). Later I switched to Chinese Martial Arts where weapons are integrated into the training.

My gripe is that so many people (large generalization) will go to a seminar class or buy videos & then the next thing you know, they're performing or claiming some outlandish skill at teaching that weapon.

The XMA people to me are the worst. They take a weapon they many of them have never touched or studied or researched & they go out flippin' & jumpin' around like a cat on a hot plate with whatever their tool of choice is, misuse the tool totally & then are considered "good martial artists"... don't even get me started on what they consider the empty hand side of the thing... :xtrmshock :rofl:

Sorry... it's the snob in me...
Our school teaches TKD but we also teach students the kama,bo,katana, and other weapons. Not everyone in this forum is strictly TKD in the most traditional sense. As for the XMA, I never used them. Most of our students who compete nationally in weapons are using the G-force weapons. I would imagine though that the XMA are of equal quality by their appearance.