What is a practical weapon?

In the Kenpo style that I study (AKKI Kenpo, headed by Grandmaster Paul Mills) we study a weapon system that is just another facet of the general Kenpo curriculum... we call it the "Universal Weapon System". For the most part it is based on two catagories: Blunt and Edged weapons. Basically the Universal Weapons curriculum comes complete with weapons basics, forms, sets, drills and techniques for both clubs and knives. These skills can be translated into any other edged or blunt weapons (within reason, I don't know how well either could prepare you for using a 6' Claymore sword)... so you could use a pencil for the stabbing actions, a kitchen knife..etc. The clubs can translate to, well... anything that you could pick up and whip/thump or club someone with.

A weapon is a tool. Plain and simple. Some are more fitted for their task, others are improvised and will take some cunning.
A practical weapon? That's the one that you find when you need it.

Your Brother
oh good. I was getting concerned when I read the entire first page and there was no mention of the cane. Its the most dead useful weapon ever. What other weapon can you hold in one hand while shaking the president's hand with your other? (too many hands in that last sentence, oh well)

One of my instructors went on a plane with a cane barely a week after 9/11, there were no questions asked.
Samantha said:
oh good. I was getting concerned when I read the entire first page and there was no mention of the cane. Its the most dead useful weapon ever. What other weapon can you hold in one hand while shaking the president's hand with your other? (too many hands in that last sentence, oh well)

One of my instructors went on a plane with a cane barely a week after 9/11, there were no questions asked.
But you have to walk with a limp....
I once used my car keys to great effect and believe me unless you have a very high pain tolerance, being struck on the back of the hand with a key hurts! You can use a variety of everyday object which are perfectly legal because they are essential items, such as keys, a belt, a pen, ( i know a great technique where by you apply pressure to the back of the hand with a pen) Just use your imagination and you can use all sorts of weird objects to help you defend yourself.
Tony said:
I once used my car keys to great effect and believe me unless you have a very high pain tolerance, being struck on the back of the hand with a key hurts! You can use a variety of everyday object which are perfectly legal because they are essential items, such as keys, a belt, a pen, ( i know a great technique where by you apply pressure to the back of the hand with a pen) Just use your imagination and you can use all sorts of weird objects to help you defend yourself.
Yeah, the self defense seminars that I conduct has items on a table for the last class/instruction. Amazing how many people walk pass the table without ever realising that there are weapons on it. They are greatly surprised when I start instructing and demostrating those items as weapons.
Knife. Even if you don't have one with you, it's a common weapon to face, and you'll be better prepared for that.
I agree with the knife. I always have one handy, a smaller folder in my pocket and a larger "tactical" folder in my truck. I also have an escrima stick in there and there's a kubaton in the glovebox for good measure....
On the other hand, I know two people that used nunchaku for self-defense with great success. Only problem is they are not always handy and illegal in a lot of places. Escrima are probably the best to get good at using, they can be found or improvised fairly easily.
Samantha said:
no you don't.
I was posting out of humor...reminds me of a guy whom had a cane and walked with a limp on the right leg going down a hallway. Then going down another, walked with a limp on the left leg. He was going to court to take care of a settlement.:)
Lots of people walk/jog with a stick to ward off dogs. Others carry an over-sized flashlight on the job.