What an Unpleasant Person Jan Moir is ...

She ran a marathon and looked good at the end? Off with her head!

Yeah, the writer lady....I guess the triple dog dare is out, she'll better put on her running shoes! :lfao:
Dear London,

Less than a week after, the truly world class city of London had a marathon that drew competitors from all over, and it went off without a hitch. THAT is what you should be talking about. Take pride in your competitors, in your countrymen, in your values, in your volunteers, in your emergency workers. Take pride in everyone that said they would not be afraid, and in everyone that believed in something bigger than themselves.

The story of any marathon is the story of the human spirit. And right about now, we sure need some additional spirit to celebrate. Thank you, London, for giving us hope and additional strength.

Yours truly,
(The other) St. Botolph's Town.