From what I've seen of Obama's healthcare plans they are far from socialist as far as we see it. Socialised healthcare would mean that all healthcare was free and/or only paid for by taxes or like us National Insurance. No one would pay for healthcare at the hospitals or doctors. I think for you though they seems socialist.
Britain's National Health Service is one of the best things about this country however I don't think you can duplicate it in America. Aftr the last war Britain was on it's knees, the poverty that wracked the country before the war due to the Depression etc wasn't helped by the country being bombed to pieces. slums were in every city, pepople were still dying from things like typhoid, polio as well as common things like measles, scarlet fever and of course in childbirth. The death rate among children was high.These conditions weren't totally eradicted until the late 1960s. We still had food rationing in the late 1950s. Only the very rich could afford to pay for a doctor and anhospitals were either for the rich or the very poor. the National health Service saved so many lives, brought so much good to this country you wouldn't believe. There was a poll recently and people still regard the NHS, even with it's faults as valuable.
I don't think such a thing , run in the same way, could work in the USA even if people were willing, it's a different era and your country is so much bigger than ours. I don't think Americans have the mindset to be as communal as we are, I think your cities are so large, the country so big you don't have the same feeling as we do about looking after each other. the war has a great deal to do with this, during it we were bombed, we faced obliteration, we were driven to our knees but we survived with a great sense of 'we are all in this together'. After the war there was a feeling that we needed to rebuild this country, that we needed to to have something we could be proud of, medical care for all was one of those things. A socialist government was elected straight after the war as they were felt to be the best ones to rebuild the country how people wanted it, certain industries were nationalised such as coal. coal was the fuel most used at that time, the mine owners, mostly absentee landlords had bad records for safety and pay, nationalising it meant these problems were addresses and the supply of coal was in the publics hands. Maggie Thatcher later destroyed tha industry, leaving whole towns in the north of England, Wales and scotland unemployed. The rail network was nationalised for much the same reasons, again she destroyed that, we have private companies running the train networks, more accidents than ever, huge expensive fares and chaotic timetables. It's a disaster. I can't afford to take a train down to York, half an hour away by train, it costs over £30 for a day return. it means we have more wagons on the roads because no one can afford to ship freight by train.
I think when it comes to politics our two countries are so far apart as not to actually understand each other. To us Obama seems conservative, he's not a socialist by our lights, he's merely trying to throw a sop at fixing a problem with the poor, mostly because they are an embarrassment to the country.
We have poor people here, in the old pit villages, in the old steel towns, in the towns where ship building used to be. They haven't done anything wrong, they didn't become poor because they were afraid to work or they expected a handout. these are proud people who have had the Tory government pull the work out from under them. Get on your bike was the advice given to the unemployed by the government. To where? to another town devastated by unemployment? Tell them that it's their fault, we don't build ships anymore, we don't have a coal industry anymore, we don't have steel works anymore, we don't have enough jobs to go around, that's the truth however hard people are willing to work there simply aren't the jobs. The Tories destroyed so much in this country, we still aren't sorted, we may never be to be honest. I'm not a scoilaist so hold no candle for them, they have their faults but dear lord the Tories under Thatcher were the most destructive, nasty, vindictive and destructive government we have ever had. People see the affluence in certain parts of the south of England but it's not like that everywhere. There is so much pain in so much of the country, it leads to so much more trouble too. Simply saying get a job and work hard won't cut it I'm afraid. Perhaps in America but not here, not anymore. This is Maggie's legacy.
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