My fellow 80's children, this must not be tolerasted.......

I last heard ice cube was in the works, though not confirmed yet.

The one thing I would want to see remade, though it was the 70's I believe, is force Five. Todays MA names would fit great and the action/fight scenes could be awesome.
The last rumor I read said that Ice T wants the role. He said that he plans on going with the mohawk.

He would make a decent Mr. T. He has the charisma anyway. LOL That being said, it isn't likely I will be running to the theater to watch it. For me, I just wait until the movies come out DVD, most of the time.

I used to watch A-Team and Knight Rider when I was a kid, but now I just don't get into that stuff. TV just isn't the same anymore, so I spend nearly all of my TV time (which isn't much) watching news, Discovery, History, Military, and Science channels. If I want comic relief, I will watch a few episodes of Family Guy.
I can't understand why they'd want to remake something that was practically perfect for it's time (other than giving a very false impression of the consequences of violence). Getting a cast that would gell (on-screen) so well will be very difficult.

That said, a series I really would love to see done with a modern special-effects crew is Space 1999 - that was incredible when I watched as a youngster and then I made the mistake of watching some re-runs on satellite ... oh how I rued ruining my memories :(.
:D {tease mode}

But wouldn't Blue Thunder kick Airwolfs' *** any day of the week?

I have Proof:

And even if Blue Thunder COULD win, Airwolf STILL had the kickassest 80's theme music of any hero/vehicle show EVER. That combination of synth backdrop and military horns even 20 years later STILL gives me the Chills Of Awesomeness(TM)

Just hearin' it again I think I just made a Blue Thunder in my pants :p

Infact....yes there is....It is now selectable music on my myspace playlist. HOOah.
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My missus would agree with you there, Andy - she has the habit of switching to the current re-runs of Airwold on Sky, listening to the theme music and then changing channels :grr:. :D.

Plus ... there's a video about this !?! :faints:. Too late to watch it through now as, yet again, MT has me up until 2:30 in the morning. I shall 'favourite' it and watch it tomorrow.
Have you seen those A-Team Tees for sale?
"Thousand of bullets fired, Zero Fatalities"

I agree Airwolf rocked. I really can't watch any of those shows anymore though. We really were into some cheesy stuff.

I also hear they are going to do a Voltron movie using the CGI technology they used for Transformers. Whatcha think about that one?
Have you seen those A-Team Tees for sale?
"Thousand of bullets fired, Zero Fatalities"

I agree Airwolf rocked. I really can't watch any of those shows anymore though. We really were into some cheesy stuff.

I also hear they are going to do a Voltron movie using the CGI technology they used for Transformers. Whatcha think about that one?
I think that an A Team movie would be great. They could get like Samual L. Jackson or MMAtist "Rampagge" Jackson to play B.A. Baracus(sp?). For "Faceman" they could get Leonardo DeCaprio since he's a pretty boy or Brad Pitt. For John "Hanibal" Smith I think maybe Steven Seagal could play that part. As for the crazy Murdock charactor I think that could be played by Colin Farrell. That would be my A Team cast. They wouldn't neccessarly be vietnam vets, they could have been Gulf War vets turned mercenary for hire (if you can afford them).
Would you guys stop talking so much, as I am trying to listen to my Air Supply album on my TURN TABLE.