Will Wonders Never Cease?

Makes sense to me thats just not a country I want to live in. I dont want the Govt running my health care you only need to spend an entire afternoon in the Motor Vehicles Adminstration trying to renew your tags to see the Govt cant run anything. The only reason the Military orks is because they can order people to do things and they have no choice but to listen. Like I said In theroy it sounds great but it just wont work here. Too many spoiled lazy people that will just stop working all together and play on the internent all day if they dont need to work.
Like I said I believe most people get what the earn meaning you work hard you succeed you dont work hard well you dont.
Makes sense to me thats just not a country I want to live in. I dont want the Govt running my health care you only need to spend an entire afternoon in the Motor Vehicles Adminstration trying to renew your tags to see the Govt cant run anything. The only reason the Military orks is because they can order people to do things and they have no choice but to listen. Like I said In theroy it sounds great but it just wont work here. Too many spoiled lazy people that will just stop working all together and play on the internent all day if they dont need to work.
Like I said I believe most people get what the earn meaning you work hard you succeed you dont work hard well you dont.

Your government is huge, your country is huge. Your population is just under 313,000,000, ours is 62,3000,000, a vast difference. Your country is approx 3,618,770 sq miles, ours 94060 sq miles so there's going to be a difference in how easily the countries are governed. Most things like the NHS are easier to work here, as I said I can't see the same scheme working for as many people as you have. When the NHS was set up there were only 47 million people in the country.

Being an island has it's limitations, being small has as well, companies won't come here if it's cheaper to employ labour in Asia and there's no way we can compete with sweatshop wages and conditions. You can only start up so many businesses in a small place, where there's widespread unemployment because the industries have been taken away it's hard to find other work because of the smallness of the place. Imagine being in your fifties, worked hard all your life then dumped on the scrap heap. While we do have those that don't want to work, probably because they believe Simon Cowell is coming to make them a star, we have a lot of people actively looking for work and not succeeding through no fault of their own. Older people especially after redunancy find it hard to find another job. They've paid their taxes and NI all their working lives, if they aren't entitled to claim benefits, it would be a sad day.

The UK is a very different place from the USA however much we speak roughly the same language. I think sometimes we forget that we are very foreign to you and you to us. We see so many things differently yet expect us to be the same. Our history is also different though we share some parts of it, other bits like the trade unions are quite diverse from yours. Our politics I think are very different to yours, the national pysche is also different. The government we have is moulded by us, I think we feel more in control of it than you do of yours, a size thing again perhaps. We don't always like the government but we are actually governed by Parliament rather than just the government, that includes the Opposition, the Queen and the House of Lords which has just given the government a bloody nose and forced it to backtrack on a Bill. Our way of doing things may be an acquired taste but I doubt anyone would want things done any other way. Some things companies just make a mess of and government control is better here than having companies in charge of things that are vital to us. Again I think 'government control' means different things to us than to you.
Definition of a socialist: You have money that you earned through your own cleverness and hard work, and you had better spend it the way we want you to spend it, or we will take it and spend it the way we think you should have spent it in the first place. You greedy B******d.
Definition of a socialist: You have money that you earned through your own cleverness and hard work, and you had better spend it the way we want you to spend it, or we will take it and spend it the way we think you should have spent it in the first place. You greedy B******d.

Definition of a bigot...someone who doesn't know the facts, won't listen to others and is a smug bastard.

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