What an Interesting Bunch.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keil Randor
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You think that closing the thread is a good idea? You were the one that started the conversation of whether of not I was telling the truth. You WERE given the number when asked. Not after requesting it several times. You were PM'd and given the chance to settle this between the two of us. I see that if YOU don't like something on a thread, YOU, are the first to ask that the thread be closed. Good for YOU. BT AR

I'm going through this thread msg by msg....doing some summarizing....

Keil made some valid points...a little prevocatively, but, thats his way.

Pugsy echoed the feelings from several msgs I've received.

Don maturely replied to Keil. Answered most of his points IMHO satisfactory. He did take offence to a comment made by Keil, but handled it quite well.

Keil replied, and there was some decent back-n-forth. Both presented several other points...at this point a dialog between the 2 appeared to be smoothing things out. Points were raised, and answered.

Don made a reference to a previous discussion, and Arnisidor picked up that point. He made several decent points, and a plea to let things drop and us all move on.

Progressive then repeated his request for a phone call to be made.

I made a post refing 1 point.

Arnisador then replied, clarified his meanings, and repeated his request to let things drop, or taken private for resolution. Several other points were made.

Cthulhu made a suggestion that would if implimented for the most part dispel any doubt of the veracity of several previous statements.

Arnisador responded positivly, and made some thoughtful insites.

Don replied highlighting the quality of Sifu Vunak's notacion.

Arnasidor agreed with Don, and made a positive comment about Mr. Worden.

Cthulhu made some suggestions on possible sources for misunderstanding.

-heat starts here-
Don responded in a manner that indicated that he took Arnisadors last reply in a negative manner.

Cthulhu responded to comments about Sifu Vunak's notation.

Arnisidor at this point basically surrenders the argument.

Don makes a post I'm not clear on the meaning of.

Arnisador then posted a detailed and referenced msg detailing his points of contention, and where he saw the areas of conflict to be. He also makes a request to lock this thread so that we can move on to more pressing issues.

At this point, Progressive makes 2 posts. References to character and military life abound.
You folks have put me in a spot here. So, I'm gonna respond.

1st - A phone call would not solve anything. 1st of all, I'm positive that calling a military base and asking such questions, especially in this day, wouldn't solve anything. The average civilian would not be able to reach the person who could answer the question, nor would the person able to answer it be readilly available.

2nd - Paperwork. Items such as Sifu Vunaks are easily faked online. The level of proo required is not going to be produced even if someone calls. We simply aren't on the "Need to KNow" list. A plaque or paper award on Mr. Wordens website would be great. Not 100% proof, but better than an "well I said".

3rd - locking of a thread. I don't do that often. Usually only when its gone totally outta control or reached a level as to be too long to humanly read. This one IS going to be locked, and I'll get to why in a moment.

4th - Military live vs Civilian life. In the military, you must obey orders without question. Pausing to wonder why can get you and your comrades killed. In civilian life, questioning is manditory, especially in the Arts where instructors challenge their students to truely understand. There is a difference. This is a civilian bbs, and we are all equals here.

5th - Progressive - This is a warning. I understand the heat level, and can relate. However, the comment
but do look forward to meeting you in the future.
can be taken as a threat. I do. This will not be tollerated here.

6th - This thread is now locked. This is a NO-WIN situation. We can not get the proof we seek, and you can not present it. Any proof now given is suspect. This situation can not be fairly resolved, and further argument will only drive us further apart, and possibly result in the expulsion of individuals who have alot to offer to our community. Let it Drop.

Thank you.
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