White Belt
What a pathetic turn of events,
I did join this forum as a means of putting that non-sense in the past. Finding a different group and making an exceptional effort to bite my tongue if struck with the words of a troll. I could have continued to create accounts, have the site hacked (your site B.S), but I realized doing so would only validate your horrid opinion of me.
I completely concede that when Im angered I often behave and speak in a loathsome manner. Thats an undeniable fact, and part of the reason I chose a new forum was to start a fresh where there is no ill feeling between myself and any other users.
This person has in one thread poisoned my name and brought our filthy laundry to this forum.
Well Carver, it seems youve done your work well. Even though I have not been banned due to that mess, this little effort of yours has done a fine job at giving me the desire to leave this forum also. Just knowing youll be here to just dump on everything I post so destroys my desire to post, to the point that theres no sense in bothering.
In all honesty, I wonder how on earth you manage to train when you clearly spend such great amounts of time on forums. Ive had some personal issues to deal with that have limited the amount of time I can spend (or being more open) afforded to spend training.
Im totally sick of all this. I dont use forums with the goal of cutting people down the way it seems you do. After the reception Ive got due to this post of yours, I dont think Ill post again. Thanks for that. I bet youre real proud of yourself right now arent you? Probably one of the only occasions when that sour looking face of yours smiles .when you so effectively cut someone down that they leave a forum what bliss you must be feeling.
Dont you realize how simple it would have been to use a different nick when opening this account? To open my account with a different email and from a friends p.c, whereby avoiding this whole mess. Perhaps you should consider why I didnt in fact do that.
Anyway, martial talk, thanks a lot for having me (as short a stay as it was). Also, thank you for not banning me after seeing that disgusting behavior (I refer to myself of course). Perhaps the mod's realized that the fact that I have been nothing but polite in every post indicated a sincere desire to use this forum in a well intentioned manner. Even the article was an effort to analyze my, and others approach to M.A forums with the goal of bettering the experience for myself and any others who feel some mods on some sites overstep the bounds of their limited power.
The words of Mr. Carver Happy to be of assistance, and my sincere apologies for bringing this distasteful matter to your forum
Ahhhh, I do believe you did this with the intent of assisting the forum. You should be ashamed of yourself, If Im so loathsome . Can you even attempt to deny this effort puts you comfortably on the same level or lower then myself.
Also, this is a fact, and I dare these two to deny this. Ill be very curious too see if they blatantly lie on this one.
I did post that horrid and nasty post, I admit that, but I also know for a fact that I left that post up for no more then 20 seconds (I did try to delete, but the only option was to edit hence the one line response) before realizing it was just way wrong in every way, and chose to delete it. (It seems these people spend even more time on their site then I could have fathomed.
Literally, and I swear on my fathers grave .15-20 seconds at most.
Id be very curious to see if anybody could post the link with the original foul behavior, as it was said in a moments anger without really considering it. Hence the youre right, youre always right
I challenge either tweedle dumb or tweedle dumber to post the link and show anything otherwise from what I have just stated, had the ban been put in place before I posted the one line amended version, I would not have been able to post the new one line response true?
Take care all, and I also apologise for this mess being brought to your site. The difference is, I mean it. Its clear these two have no desire to be members of this forum; they simply came here to smear my name. Note the pic. they chose for the Avatar in my old profile, and they complain about rudeness. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The goal was to smear me, regardless of how filthy this mess is. And posting a oh Im so sincerely sorry I wouldnt want to bring unpleasantness to your site is supposed to make it all right. Its clearly disrespect of Martial talk, of me, and their only motive is to be trolls again. If they didnt mean to, or want to, maybe just maybe they wouldnt??
Take care all.
This really sucks.
I did join this forum as a means of putting that non-sense in the past. Finding a different group and making an exceptional effort to bite my tongue if struck with the words of a troll. I could have continued to create accounts, have the site hacked (your site B.S), but I realized doing so would only validate your horrid opinion of me.
I completely concede that when Im angered I often behave and speak in a loathsome manner. Thats an undeniable fact, and part of the reason I chose a new forum was to start a fresh where there is no ill feeling between myself and any other users.
This person has in one thread poisoned my name and brought our filthy laundry to this forum.
Well Carver, it seems youve done your work well. Even though I have not been banned due to that mess, this little effort of yours has done a fine job at giving me the desire to leave this forum also. Just knowing youll be here to just dump on everything I post so destroys my desire to post, to the point that theres no sense in bothering.
In all honesty, I wonder how on earth you manage to train when you clearly spend such great amounts of time on forums. Ive had some personal issues to deal with that have limited the amount of time I can spend (or being more open) afforded to spend training.
Im totally sick of all this. I dont use forums with the goal of cutting people down the way it seems you do. After the reception Ive got due to this post of yours, I dont think Ill post again. Thanks for that. I bet youre real proud of yourself right now arent you? Probably one of the only occasions when that sour looking face of yours smiles .when you so effectively cut someone down that they leave a forum what bliss you must be feeling.
Dont you realize how simple it would have been to use a different nick when opening this account? To open my account with a different email and from a friends p.c, whereby avoiding this whole mess. Perhaps you should consider why I didnt in fact do that.
Anyway, martial talk, thanks a lot for having me (as short a stay as it was). Also, thank you for not banning me after seeing that disgusting behavior (I refer to myself of course). Perhaps the mod's realized that the fact that I have been nothing but polite in every post indicated a sincere desire to use this forum in a well intentioned manner. Even the article was an effort to analyze my, and others approach to M.A forums with the goal of bettering the experience for myself and any others who feel some mods on some sites overstep the bounds of their limited power.
The words of Mr. Carver Happy to be of assistance, and my sincere apologies for bringing this distasteful matter to your forum
Ahhhh, I do believe you did this with the intent of assisting the forum. You should be ashamed of yourself, If Im so loathsome . Can you even attempt to deny this effort puts you comfortably on the same level or lower then myself.
Also, this is a fact, and I dare these two to deny this. Ill be very curious too see if they blatantly lie on this one.
I did post that horrid and nasty post, I admit that, but I also know for a fact that I left that post up for no more then 20 seconds (I did try to delete, but the only option was to edit hence the one line response) before realizing it was just way wrong in every way, and chose to delete it. (It seems these people spend even more time on their site then I could have fathomed.
Literally, and I swear on my fathers grave .15-20 seconds at most.
Id be very curious to see if anybody could post the link with the original foul behavior, as it was said in a moments anger without really considering it. Hence the youre right, youre always right
I challenge either tweedle dumb or tweedle dumber to post the link and show anything otherwise from what I have just stated, had the ban been put in place before I posted the one line amended version, I would not have been able to post the new one line response true?
Take care all, and I also apologise for this mess being brought to your site. The difference is, I mean it. Its clear these two have no desire to be members of this forum; they simply came here to smear my name. Note the pic. they chose for the Avatar in my old profile, and they complain about rudeness. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The goal was to smear me, regardless of how filthy this mess is. And posting a oh Im so sincerely sorry I wouldnt want to bring unpleasantness to your site is supposed to make it all right. Its clearly disrespect of Martial talk, of me, and their only motive is to be trolls again. If they didnt mean to, or want to, maybe just maybe they wouldnt??
Take care all.
This really sucks.