Senior Master
Hi everyone! It's been longer than usual (for me) since I've been on here- it's been a hectic week! Now I have to vent, so please be understanding. Has anyone had those days where it's just BAD? I mean absolutely nothing goes right for you- if it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck kind of days? Yeah, that's me! For example- yesterday, I went to the post office (which was closed at a certain time), then when I restarted my car- no A/C, and it was nearly 90 outside (and humid). Not only that, but my radio/ cd player kept (and still is) shutting on and off for no obvious reasons! By the evening, I was CRANKY! I had idiot drivers that didn't know what stop signs and right of ways were, etc. etc. etc. Then this morning there was only me and my boss working, and the freight I was working on, decided to topple over- spilling strawberries, blueberries, etc. all over the floor- I was no where near or even touching the side that fell. At that point, I felt like strangling someone (not in the literal since, but still...). I've been threatening to take a "Mental Health" day all day. Now I'm a bit better, but the day isn't finished yet, so we'll see. My a/c is working now, at least, so that's a plus! Sorry for the long post, I just needed to let it out though.