What 2 Do After you Quit your Art

Hello, Looking back on your training, the things you learn,the time involved,the things that got you to where you are now....Are you sure you want to QUIT? ...this you got to ask yourself? is quiting worth it?

Off course NOT...we do get bore..try another art? ...something that was always in back of your mind? ...seek it!

Learning the martial arts is like planting a tree....it grows in time...branches out, grows taller, sometimes the fruits will bear out. Most important...when you stop training...the tree will die?

Therefore add water...keep going...some trees takes a long time to grow..others...faster.....make your tree last for a life time...It will bear fruits.....some just flowers...others make seeds...to grow more trees.

What kind of tree do you want to be? ......In Hawaii...coconut trees are fine....especially the ones with big coconuts.......Did you know hurricanes rarely knock down coconut trees....there are very strong in the winds...Aloha
AceHBK said:
Differences with my instrutor that I didnt like when it came to some new business decisions but more of some major contradiction's on his part. Also being chewed out in a email didnt fly over well with me. Somethings are just not right and I see it and things just went south.

It is ashame that I am a brown belt and would have received my red belt the end of this month or beginning of next. Oh well.

I cross train in Kung Fu and that will not stop but I need to find something to take up the time block that TKD had. I may not go to another TKD school..not sure yet. may do a whole new art.

Perhaps, seeing that you already cross train in Kung Fu, you could a few more days of training to fill the time block of TKD.

If thats not an option, are there any other schools in your area that interest you?


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