What type of Martial Artist are you?

Reality and tradition for me!

American Kenpo is founded on Logic and practicality: THIS is it's 'tradition', so I guess I'm both.
Besides, most often I train just because I'm in love with the art!

your Brother
I'm a bit of a mix between traditional and sports. Living in a rural town kind of hinders me on how many tournaments I can attend. I try to attend as many as possible, but for the most part I focus my training on the traditional aspect of martial arts.
Trainwreck said:
Can't say I fall easily into any of the categories. I want to be able to defend myself when necessary, hence why I now train comparatively harder than my peers, but more important still is using the art to understand my body. I'm a physicist by training, so I see martial arts as a combination of biological systems and applied physics.
Physics, boy do I have to PM you...would it be ok?
I'm a Reality-based Traditional CMA student. However, I believe that my style, Choy Lay Fut, is constantly evolving to fit an ever-changing world.

Being stagnant and reactionary is NOT part of my principles. I love the tradition, but a style must evolve.

To become better and stronger.

I'm sure every Grandmaster in the past, including my SiGong Lee Koon Hung have added something to the evolution of CLF.

Reality/Tradition/Character Builder

Reality to save my a** when the need arises.

Tradition, though my style is anything but traditional, but I have loads of fun understanding how my system works and how it can be applied in a broader context.

Character Builder, which I feel is also important and wasn't listed, is to be more assertive and build up self-confidence.
~ Loki

for the sporting side as well but thats just for fun nothing else.

I see that you are more about the self defence aspect of MA
You say you study tae kwon do i feel that is more sport orientated than self defence wing chun YES but im not so sure about tae kwon do SORRY..........
That is because TKD had promoted so fast that it has a rep about beiong a sport...if one finds a old Korean instructor in it, chances are he'll have a arsenal of defense taxctics that will blow your mind.
I'm a reality based traditional martial artist who has participated in competitions and enjoys the health maintenance benefits of training...

How's that?
I dont think that a true reality martial artists will entertain or participate in competition....that is almost a oxy-moron, a anomally.
47MartialMan said:
I dont think that a true reality martial artists will entertain or participate in competition....that is almost a oxy-moron, a anomally.

I'm a real soldier, but I play "guns" with my son as well as play paintball.

I'm a real paralegal, but I participate in mock trials for education purposes.

I think the oxy-moron isn't a reality oriented traditional martial artist participating in a sporting event, but rather a sport oriented martial artist convinced that he is an ulimate killing machine.
Going off of the original post I have to admit that it is a very good list. I tend to stick to the traditional combative aspect of the arts, but I do compete every once in a while. I have "dabbled" with the other areas,but often revert back to my traditions. With having studied EPAK and Hawaiian Kenpo karate I also have a more modern set of traditions as well. But then again traditions have to start somewhere.
Matt Stone said:
I'm a real soldier, but I play "guns" with my son as well as play paintball.

I'm a real paralegal, but I participate in mock trials for education purposes.

I think the oxy-moron isn't a reality oriented traditional martial artist participating in a sporting event, but rather a sport oriented martial artist convinced that he is an ulimate killing machine.
Interesting spin...:)